- The Mitsubishi process ensures lower copper content in slag 确保弃渣含铜较低的三菱工艺
- T_4, bone age (wrist) and serum copper content were normal. 血清T_4及骨龄(腕骨)、血清铜均正常。
- Research on Dressing Test of Magnetite with Low Copper and High Sulfur of Xinqiao Mining Co., Ltd. 新桥低铜高硫磁铁矿选矿试验研究。
- Unreasonable setting of pH value of the flotation operation stage resulted in low copper grade and recovery during its trial operation. 建厂设计时,分离浮选作业的pH值设定不尽合理,致使试生产阶段铜精矿的品位低,回收率低。
- The research results show that too high copper content in the soil will do damage to Milk Vetch. 研究结果表明:土壤含铜量过高,对紫云英造成危害;
- Shall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper wire having a nominal 96% copper content (minimum 94%) as determined by electrolytic assay. 此铜线要求是混合性质的铜线,且名义上含铜量按电解化验物要求为96%25(至少为94%25)。
- Periodic rreverse direct current was employed in the electrolytic anodizing and coloring of a type of aluminium alloy with high copper content. 采用周期换向电流法对含铜较高的铝合金进行电解氧化发色。
- There is one hope for those consumers who yearn for lower copper prices. 对于那些热切地期待着能买到价格便宜的铜的消费者而言,只有一个希望。
- Methods The copper content was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry(AAS)and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES). 方法采用原子吸收分光光度法(AAS),电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)分别测定铜含量。
- The results show the main reason of crazing on forging surface are that copper content is over the standard and chemical composition's match is not rational. 结果表明钢中铜含量超标、化学成分匹配不合理导致的“铜脆”是锻件产生龟裂的根本原因。
- The two wettish powders of Bordeaux nutritional protective powder and Kocide were evidently effect on pH value, effective iron content and effective copper content of the calcareous soil. 三种不同的波尔多液营养保护剂以BNPP-Fe-Zn效果最好;能显著提高番茄不同生长期根茎叶中铁、锌和铜的含量;同时;成熟期番茄叶片中全铁、活性铁和全锌含量差异显著;与CK相比;分别提高了78.;7%25-104%25、65
- Response and Action to Low Copper Price 铜企业对铜价低迷的反应及行动
- In both Anaconda's RCA and XLR connectors, the connection pieces are all made with FPC copper, a continuously cast copper with seriously better performance than even the highest copper content brass. 在“红蟒蛇”的RCA与XLR连接头,这些连接头均是由fpc铜材制成,它是一种无间断铸造而成的铜,它的表现比包括黄铜在内之所有高级铜更为杰出。
- Abstract The high silicon cast aluminum alloy with copper content was hard anodized by DC overlapped pulse power supply.The effects of pulse amplitude on film properties were primarily investigated. 以直流叠加脉冲电源对含铜的高硅铸造铝合金进行硬质阳极氧化,研究了电源脉冲幅度对膜层性能的影响。
- The copper content in the precursor powder greatly influence the phase composition of the calcined powders.The increase of copper content facilitates the formation of composite oxide. 前驱体粉末中铜含量对煅烧后复合粉末的相组成也存在较大影响,铜含量越多,越容易生成复合氧化物。
- The bar solder offers the lowest copper dissolution of any lead-free bar on the market, even amongst all common alloys, including Sn63, SAC305 and other lead-free options. 这种焊料棒与市场上销售的任何无铅焊料棒(即便与包括Sn63、SAC305在内的所有常用合金以及其它无铅选项)相比仍能够提供最低的铜熔解量。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- He because of bashful but low head. 他因羞愧而低下了头。
- Appendix C is a content catalysts, processes, and products (CCPP) toolkit, which provides a quick and easy way to differentiate instruction using a menu-like approach for choosing activities. 回答:附录C是一个目录催化剂,流程和产品(CCPP)的工具包,它提供了一个快速又简单的方法去区别指示-使用一种菜单式的途径来选择任务。