- Lack of confidence is almost as worst as low self esteem. 缺乏自信心和缺乏自尊心一样是有害的。
- They make anyone wearing them look like a frumpy Eskimo with low self esteem. 他们使任何人穿它们看起来像一个低自尊其貌不扬爱斯基摩人。
- If you have a very low self esteem or a lack of self-confidence you may be seeking help to gain extra confidence. 若你自视甚低,抑或缺乏自信,那你则需寻求帮助,提高自信心。
- After reviewing the evidence, one modern scholar has noted the absence of most of the problems which afflict today's American wives, such as low self esteem and lack of romantic love in marriage. 一位现代学者在回顾这段历史时,注意到当时的妇女并没有今日美国妻子面临的大部分问题,诸如缺乏自尊心和婚姻中没有浪漫的爱等。
- (d) sufferers of body dysmorphic disorder show low self esteem and some personality traits; (4)躯体变形障碍患者表现出低自尊,并倾向于某些人格特征;
- He felt that he was wounded in self esteem. 他感到自尊心受了损伤。
- We must all develop our self esteem. 我们必须要加强发展我们的自信心。
- How can I teach them the value of self esteem? 我可以怎样教会他们自我尊严的价值?
- This takes a serious toll on our self esteem and confidence. 这对我们的自尊和自信造成了严重而不佳的影响。
- She feels robbed not only of the sanctity of her marriage, but also of her dignity , self esteem and future. (她觉得不但她婚姻的神圣性被剥夺,同时也丧失了尊严、自尊和未来。)
- Increased health, better sexual relationships, more self esteem and self respect? Where does it move to? 更健康,更好的两性关系,更自尊自爱?它带你去哪里?
- We can know that we are worthy people. We will have self respect, self esteem, because we know God made us. 我们能知道我们是有价值的,我们能自尊自重,因为我们知道神创造我们。
- She feels robbed not only of the sanctity of her marriage, but also of her dignity, self esteem and future. 她觉得不但她婚姻的神圣性被剥夺,同时也丧失了尊严、自尊和未来。
- Your self esteem and confidence would be challenged at every turn and you would likely become more and more frustrated. 当你的自尊心和自信心一再的受到挑战,你会变得越来越失落。
- Indeed, Holt asserts that stammering and stuttering are the consequences for some children of destroyed self esteem. 霍尔特大胆断言:有些孩子说话断断续续、结结巴巴,那都是因为自尊心受到打击的结果,事实的确如此。
- This energy supports positive self esteem, new relationships, and the beginning of profitable partnerships for many. 这个能量支持正面的自尊,新的关系,以及开始有利的夥伴关系。
- By removing bling and introducing other activity, did this increase the teenagers self esteem? 通过拿走“奢侈品”及介绍其他的一些活动来试验是否提高了青少年的自尊。
- Straightening children's crooked teeth with braces may improve their smile but it is no guarantee of happiness and improved self esteem. 用牙套来矫正孩子们不够整齐的牙齿,也许可以让他们的笑容更加灿烂,但不一定能使他们更加快乐、更具自豪感。
- Grab it, lift it and notice something new: there are thousands of thousands of high self esteem - dissociated positive compulsion images behind it! 抓住它,拿起来并注意到:在抽离的积极冲动图像后面有成千上万的高自尊图像。
- And by doing that you begin to build positive thoughts, positive self esteem, you begin to make a difference in the world. 这样做,你是开始建立积极思想,积极的自尊,你开始改变世界。