- Keywords low permeable oilfiled;reinjection water;fine treatment;fine filtration; 低渗透油田;回注水;精细处理;精细过滤;
- low permeable oilfiled 低渗透油田
- The effect of filtrate cake quality on low permeable formation is especially remarkable. 滤饼质量好坏对低渗透地层的影响尤其显著。
- The Archie parameters from the experimental data are better applied to the low porous and low permeable reservoir in the east of Daqing oilfield. 在大庆油田东部低渗透油层测井解释评价中,使用此方法得到的阿尔奇参数取得了比使用通用参数好的效果。
- The low permeable resrevoir of Bonan Oil Field is a typical low permeable reservoir in Shengli Oil Field. 渤南油田低渗透储层是胜利油田较为典型的低渗透储层代表。
- Some subtle reservoirs in Shengtuo and Ninghai oilfield are low permeable and deeply buried and have poor development result. 胜坨油田、海油田的一些深层隐蔽型油藏,渗透率低,油层埋藏深,开发效果不理想。
- Three Bond co.has developed a low permeable sealant by using polyisobutylene as the base resin after research for many years. 三键公司经过多年的潜心研究,成功开发出以聚异丁烯为基材的低透气性密封胶。
- Both the areal structure setting and specific structure evolution cause the features of low permeable fracture for oil layer in Xinli Oilfield. 在区域构造背景以及该区特定构造演化的作用下,最终导致了新立油田扶杨油层呈现低渗透裂缝性的特征。
- This paper studies weii selection standard,buildup time‘and output predietion in two-period oilprodtietion testing in low permeable reservolrs. 本文介绍了低渗透油层开展两阶段试油的选井标准、恢复时间及产量预测三项研究。
- It is highly adapted to interpreting none conventional data for low pressure and low permeable formation in Jianhsu oilfield. 该方法在江苏油田低压、低渗层的非常规资料解释中适应性最强,符合程度最高。
- Dissolition is favorable for secondary porosity, thus forming available reservoirs in some sections of low porous and low permeable clastic rocks. 从而使某些砂岩段在低孔低渗储层中形成较发育的次生溶蚀孔隙和成岩微裂缝,并成为有效孔隙。
- Experiments show that a low permeable reservoir has a starting pressure gradient, and therefore different seepage rule from that of middle and high permeable reservoirs. 实验表明,低渗透油藏具有启动压力梯度,因此其渗流规律与中、高渗透油藏不同。
- Compared with the performance of K2SO4 drilling fluid, both of them are suitable drilling fluid system to protect low pressure and low permeable reservoirs. 通过与K2SO4钻井液性能对比表明,两种盐水体系都是保护低压、低渗储层较为理想的钻井液体系。
- By using numerical simulation, the effectiveness of commingled production has been quantitatively studied for multilayered low permeable sandstone reservoirs. 利用数值模拟方法,结合油田现场实际对发育多套油层的低渗透砂岩油田多层合采效果进行定量研究。
- The paper put for ward to using "the combination of three ways " to make optimum for fracturing and electing well in deep-seated low permeable reservoir. 文中提出了利用“三个相结合”进行深层低渗油藏压裂选井优化的科学方法。
- Making optimum for electing well is the precondition of improving the fracturing effect in deep-seated low permeable reservoir and increasing the economic benefits . 压裂优化选井是改善深层低渗透油藏压裂效果、提高经济效益的前提。
- This paper derivates a method for calculating reasonable well spacing density of low permeable reservoirs through economic evaluation considering drilling investment, surface investment and oil sale income, and the interest of the three. 基于前苏联学者谢尔卡乔夫提出的计算最终采收率公式,并应用最小二乘法对井网密度常数进行回归,通过经济评价,综合考虑钻井投资、面投资和原油销售收入以及三者的利息,推导出一种计算低渗透油藏合理井网密度的方法,并编写计算机程序得出结果,提高了预测精度,减小了运算误差。
- In this paper 7 new measures now used in foreign countries to prevent formation damage are introduced, such as applying new clay stabilizer of low polymer to low permeable formation, and supersonic wave to control formation damage. 本文介绍了国外现阶段所采取的用低聚合物新型粘土稳定剂处理低渗透地层,用超声波解除地层损害等7种防治地层损害新措施。
- The study of microstructure in the lowest permeable reservoirs has the instructive action for the development of oilfield. 研究特低渗透储层微构造对油田的实际开发生产具有指导作用。
- Water injection rate can be improved effectively by means of the installation of booster pump on single well, accelerating well stimulation, and improving water injection sweep efficiency and recovery of the low permeable oilfield. 通过单井装增压泵的增压注水方式,可以有效提高注水量,促进油井见效增产,达到提高低渗透油田注水波及效率和采收率的目的。