- Hence, due to the low noise gain and low dark current, the maximum detectivity (D*) can occur at low negative bias. 因此,由于暗电流与杂讯增益都降低,最大值的侦测度可以在负低偏压时出现。
- This type of amorphous-silicon photodiode has the advantages of low dark current and a capacitance that is independent of the accumulated signal. 这种非晶硅光电二极管有很多优势,如低暗电流和能独立积累信号的电容。
- Low Dark Current High Gain InGaAs/Inp SAGM APD 低漏电高增益InGaAs/InP SAGM雪崩光电二极管
- Finally, we advanced an assumption to explain that thick active region had lower dark current and used the program to simulate the experiment result. 最后我们提出一套理论解释较厚的主动层具有较低的暗电流,并利用程式来模拟实验结果。
- low dark current 弱暗电流
- At the same time we studied the difference for use LED low intensity light source and dark current method, mea sured photoelectron spectrum. 同时也介绍了用LED光源测得的单光电子幅度谱及用热发射法测得的暗电流谱的差异,并分析了两种方法测得的幅度谱的差异的主要根源。
- A rain cloud,especially a low dark layer of clouds such as a nimbostratus. 雨云雨云,尤指象雨层云一样的深色低云层。
- The average dark current is often eliminated by means of a zeroing circuit. 平均暗电流常利用调零电路消除。
- A rain cloud, especially a low dark layer of clouds such as a nimbostratus. 雨云雨云,尤指象雨层云一样的深色低云层
- An absence of improvement in the dark current was observed.However we did observe an improvement in the material quality (low ideality factor 1.75 and series resistance 0.3k ) for forward bias. 逆偏压下暗电流没有改善,但在顺偏压下,观察到材料品质的改善(低的理想因子值约1.;75与串联电阻300欧姆)。
- Puts on the model simple plait skirt or the trousers, Color choice brilliance and color article low dark color. 穿式样简单的打褶裙子或长裤,颜色选择明度和彩文较低的暗色。
- The thermally generated dark current intrinsic to the photodiodes is always working to charge the diode. 光电二极管固有的热产生的暗电流不断为二极管充电。
- On the low dark ceiling of cloud at night red blotches burned and quavered, dappling and swelling and contracting, like burns that give pain. 在晚上,那低低的黝黑的云天,浮动着一些斑斑的红点,肿涨着,收缩着,好象令人痛苦的火伤;
- Why is it that all the fast-moving fish of the dark current have purple backs and usually purple stripes or spots? 怎么搞的,凡是在深暗的水流中游得很快的鱼都有紫色的背脊,一般还有紫色条纹或斑点?
- We find that the photocurrent of this device is not reduced by the additional MQWs but the dark current is. 我们发现超晶格所产生的光电流并没有因为量子井结构而降低,但暗电流却有减少。
- If the photodiodes have large amounts of dark current, much of the diode's signal capacity will be filled up by charge with no signal information. 如果光电二极管有大量的暗电流,大部分二极管信号电容会在没有信号情况下被充满。
- Etching the surface of germanium layer could decrease the dark current and increase the responsivity under the visible light exposure. 当蚀刻锗层的表面时,我们可以得到较低的暗电流并且提升可见光下的光响应。
- Optimum designing the device structure, strictlv controlling the parameters of LPE growthand perfect fabricating processing of devices, the In GaAs/InP SAGM APDs with low dark currentand high multiplication factor have been obtainecl. 根据器件结构的优化设计,严格控制生长参数以及理想的器件制备工艺获得了低漏电高增益InGaAs/InP SAGM雪崩光电二极管。
- Abstract: In all optical asynchronous CDMA communication system,multi-user interference and PIN dark current noise can be reduced by introducing double optical harder-limiters. 摘 要: 在全光异步CDMA通信系统中,引入两个光硬件限幅器是有效减小多用户干扰及PIN光电检测过程暗电流噪声的一种方案。
- In all optical asynchronous CDMA communication system,multi-userinterference and PIN dark current noise can be reduced by introducing double optical harder-limiters. 在全光异步CDMA通信系统中,引入两个光硬件限幅器是有效减小多用户干扰及PIN光电检测过程暗电流噪声的一种方案。