- As a result, it provides basis for studying phase transformation from pearlite to austenite in low carbon alloy steel after high pressure treatment. 所得结果为研究低碳合金钢经高压处理后组织中珠光体向奥氏体转变提供一定的参考数据。
- We are specialized in producing and processing fasteners, special parts, rivet nuts and rollers of low carbon and mid carbon alloy steel in accordance with ANSI, DIN, JIS, etc. 专业生产及加工低碳,中碳,中低碳合金钢紧固件,异型件,拉母,罗拉,美,德,日制等螺母。
- The microstructure and the property of two low carbon alloy steel forged parts were compared for parts after isothermal normalizing with those after ordinary normalizing. 研究了两种合金渗碳钢锻件普通正火和等温正火的显微组织和性能。
- Under 2.7J impact work, the abrasion of medium carbon alloys are deep flaking while that of low carbon high alloy steels are shallow flaking and the mass wear is lower. 2.;7J冲击功下,中碳合金钢以深层剥落为主,低碳高合金钢以浅层剥落为主,磨损失重小;
- Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Low Carbon Alloy Steel and Welding Joint 低碳合金钢及焊接接头断裂韧度的温度效应
- The Determination of the Sub-temperature Quenching Process Parameter for Large Low Carbon Alloy Steel Forgings 大型低碳合金钢锻件亚温淬火工艺参数的确定
- Suitable for welding low carbon steel, low alloy steel structure. 适用于各种低碳钢、低合金钢构件的焊接。
- CFR uses low carbon, medium alloy steel as the matrix. CFR合金采用低碳、中合金钢成分为基体。
- Keywords low carbon alloy steel;bainite/martensite mixed microstructure;strength and toughness;instrumented Charpy impact;crack propagation work; 低碳合金钢;贝氏体/马氏体复相组织;强韧性;示波冲击;裂纹扩展功;
- low carbon alloy steels 低碳合金钢
- low carbon alloy steel 低碳合金钢
- Suitable for SMWA/MMA welding of low carbon steel and low alloy steel with all kinds of electrode. 适用于所有牌号的焊条对低碳钢、普通低合金钢的手工电焊弧。
- The hot ductility of low carbon low alloy steel and mechanism of surface cracking in relation to the hot ductility have been reviewed in the paper. 本文介绍近年来有关低碳低合金钢的热延性、与热延性相关的表面裂纹以及裂纹形成机制等方面的研究结果。
- However, the flaking cracks in low carbon high alloy steel are initiated in subsurface stratum, which induces no apparent effect for corrosion on flaking. 低碳高合金钢剥落裂纹起源于亚表层,腐蚀对其裂纹形成乃至剥落无明显作用。
- Suitable for welding of aluminum/titanium/copper alloys, low carbon steel, low alloy steel and stainless steel. 分别对铝、钛、铜等有色金属及其合金、低碳钢、低合金钢、不锈钢等等多种材料进行高性能焊接.
- Wear loss of specimens for these two steels during a certain time show that low carbon high alloy steel is much more resistant to corrosive impact abrasion than high manganese steel. 比较两种材料试样在一定时间内的失重变化情况,表明低碳高合金钢的抗冲击腐蚀磨损性能优于高锰钢。
- The evolution of deformation dislocation structure during the tensile loading was examined by transmission electron microscopy in the tempered martensite of low and middle carbon alloy steels. 应用透射电子显微术研究低碳及中碳合金钢回火马氏体的形变位错结构随拉伸加载过程的演变。
- The corrosive impact wear behavior and mechanism of high manganese steel and low carbon high alloy steel as new liner material were investigated under impact energy of 2.0J in acid-ironstone slurry. 研究了在酸性铁矿石浆料及2.;0J冲击功条件下;高锰钢及新型低碳高合金钢衬板的冲击腐蚀磨损性能和机制。
- The martensite in low and medium carbon alloy steels mainly is lath martensite of dislocation substructure besides little twin substructure at the segregation regions of chemical composition. 低、中碳合金钢中的马氏体除局部区域因成分偏析呈孪晶亚结构外,主要是位错亚结构的板条马氏体。低碳合金钢的中温转变组织主要有兰类,即粒状组织、上贝氏体和下贝氏体。
- In this paper, the method of carburization during casting is used to manufacture casting with wearresistance by laying graphite pieces into the mould and pouring low carbon and low alloy steel. 采用在铸型中放置石墨片,然后浇注低碳合金钢的方法,制造表面耐磨材料。