- He is cast in his father's mold. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。
- louver molding 缀模
- A narrow border, molding, or fillet. 扁带饰窄条,装饰用嵌线或窄带
- Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold. 森林里的松软沃土上长著许多野花。
- Women of her mold are easy to see through. 她那种性格的女人是很容易看穿的。
- We need more people of his mold. 我们需要更多他那种类型的人。
- The stone steps were covered with mold and ulcers. 石头台阶被霉和腐烂物覆盖着。
- A mold in which such metal is cast. 金属铸模金属锭在其中被铸的模子
- A small molding carved to resemble a string of beads. 串珠饰雕刻成如一串珍珠样的模件
- Inspect the closing of louver of funnel. 检测烟囱百叶窗的闭合性。
- A frame for holding a sand mold in a foundry. 砂箱铸造车间内保持砂模用的框架
- All products can be collocated with louver. 该系列产品均可配上百叶窗。
- The making of such a mold or cast, as with plaster of Paris. 制印模用石膏对这种模型或模子的制作,如用巴黎的石膏
- Can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the Louver? 你能否在世界一流的博物馆,如卢浮宫中找着呢?
- A concave molding with a cross section that approximates a quarter circle. 飞檐的凹圆线脚截面近于九十度弧的凹线脚
- AROC Series aluminum louver with outside vent control. AROC系列铝制百叶窗,设计用于外界通风控制。
- A mold for the setting of concrete. 模板浇注混凝土的模板
- Bread tends to mold in damp weather. 在潮湿天气中面包易于发霉。
- A narrow, half - rounded molding;a bead. 珠缘,串饰狭窄的半圆形嵌线;珠状花边
- Snap molding down over top of retaining clips. 向下压紧嵌条至固定夹上方。