- I was aroused from my deep sleep by a loud scream. 一声尖叫把我从熟睡中唤醒。
- The loud scream pierced into my heart. 那声尖叫穿透了我的心。
- A sudden loud scream upstairs scared me last night. 昨晚,楼上忽然传来的一声尖叫吓了我一跳。
- I heard a loud scream, and then a long silence. 我听到一声尖叫,然后便是漫长的死寂。
- She would have preferred a loud scream to silent endurance. 她宁愿听到一声尖叫而看不惯这样默默地忍受。
- Then, with a loud scream, the horse turned and ran down the valley. 这时马大声嘶叫,转身跑下山谷去。
- Eg A loud scream for help disturbed the quietness of the small town at midnight. 半夜时分,大声的呼救声打破了小镇的宁静。
- She then went to take a seat outside. Before sitting down, there was a sound from inside, a very loud scream that deafened the ears. 她就出去外面坐,还没有坐下来,房子里面哇哇叫得很大声,耳朵都快迸出来了。
- Her loud screams could be heard all over the house. 整个屋子都能听到她那高声的尖叫。
- Then, with a loud scream, the horse turned and ran down the valley. Jed sank to the ground wet with excitement. He had done what no man had done. 接着,随着一声响亮的嘶鸣,这匹马转身顺着山谷跑了下去。杰德却因兴奋而浑身大汗淋漓,倒在地上。他已经做了别人没有做到的事儿.
- Then, with a loud scream, the horse turnedran down the valley. Jed sank to the ground wet with excitement. He had done what no man had done. 接着,随着一声响亮的嘶鸣,这匹马转身顺着山谷跑了下去。杰德却因兴奋而浑身大汗淋漓,倒在地上。他已经做了别人没有做到的事儿.
- Then, with a loud scream, the horse tossed and ran down the valley. Jed sank to the ground wet with excitement. He had finished what no man had finished. 接着,随着一声响亮的嘶鸣,这匹马转身顺着山谷跑了下去。杰德却因兴奋而浑身大汗淋漓,倒在地上。他已经做了更多有联系人么有做到的事儿.
- The child's loud screams could be heard all over the house. 整幢房子里的人都可听到这小孩大声的尖叫。
- The honorable functionary had scarcely expressed himself thus, in that intonation which is peculiar to brigadiers of the gendarmerie, when a loud scream, accompanied by the violent ringing of a bell, resounded through the court of the hotel. 这位敬的官员刚才用宪兵团长所特有的一阵那种抑扬顿挫的腔调说完这番话,就听得一声长长的惊叫,伴随着猛烈的铃声,传到旅馆的院子里。
- Short shrieks, high-pitched yelps and drawn-out wails rang out in Thailand at an international competition to find the world's loudest scream (see photo). 1日,泰国举行了一场尖叫大赛,进入决赛的选手或短声尖叫,或高音尖叫,或持续哀号,想要打破尖叫最大声的世界纪录(见图)。
- The Guinness World Record for the loudest scream by an individual is a thundering 129 decibels, set by Jill Drake, from Tenterden, Kent, in London in 2000. 为打破吉尼斯世界纪录的最响亮的尖叫声由个人是雷鸣般的129分贝,由吉尔德雷克,设置从坦特登,肯特,2000年在伦敦。
- The view into the crater of the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua is a breathtaking experience,enlivened by the accompanying strong smell of sulphur and the loud screaming of parrots. 游览尼加拉瓜的玛莎雅火山是一次惊心动魄的历程。置身其中,你会被从火山口喷发出来的强烈硫磺气味和鹦鹉的尖叫声所震撼。
- The burglar choked off her scream. 强盗卡住她的脖子,不许她叫出声来。
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- The assertion was followed by loud screams and the man emerged from his room bleeding profusely, his 14-year-old son quoted as saying. His wife rushed him to hospital. 据14岁的儿子说:信誓旦旦之后,伴随着几声尖叫,那位男子从自己房中走出,血如泉涌。他的妻子马上将他送往医院。