- His speech was greeted by loud cheers. 他的演讲受到了热烈的欢呼。
- We urged the school team on with loud cheers. 我们大声助威,激励校队拼搏。
- Loud cheers rang out continuously. 欢呼声此起彼伏。
- Loud cheers greeted the conclusion of this speech. 这篇演说在热烈的欢呼声中结束。
- This word was received with loud cheers. 这句话博得了大声喝采。
- His speech was greeted with loud cheers. 他的讲话受到听众热烈的欢呼。
- Loud cheers greeted this announcement. 这个布告博得了热烈的欢呼。
- They broke into loud cheers on hearing the news. 听了这消息他们都高声欢呼。
- We encouraged our baseball team with loud cheers. 我们大声欢呼来鼓励我们的棒球队。
- The audience broke into loud cheers. 观众连声叫好。
- His basketball skill was greeted with loud cheers. 他的球技博得热烈欢呼。
- The speech was greeted by loud cheers. 那个演讲受到了听众的大声喝彩。
- The speech wasgreeted by loud cheers. 听了这发言,大家都高声欢呼。
- The stadium is bursting with loud cheers. 体育馆一片沸腾,欢呼阵阵。
- The loud cheers drown out his shouts. 欢呼声盖过了他的喊叫声。
- We encouraged our basketball team with loud cheers. 我们大声欢呼激励我们的篮球队。
- Loud cheers filled the assembly hall. 欢呼声充满了会场。
- The audience greet his speech with loud cheer. 听众对他的演讲报以高声欢呼。
- The people broke into loud cheers when they heard the news. 人们听了这消息都大声欢呼起来。
- There were loud cheers as the Irish team took the field. 爱尔兰队一入场,全场立刻欢声雷动。