- I want to write an angry letter but I lost my nerve when I sat down to do it. 我想写一封信出出气,但我坐下来写时又失去了勇气。
- I meant to do it, but I lost my nerve. 我想干,但我没有勇气。
- I was going to cross the stream on a fallen log but at the last minute I lost my nerve and went the long way round by the bridge. 我想从倒下来的圆木上走过溪去,但最终我还是害怕了,兜了个大圈子绕道从桥上过去。
- But I did not give up or lose my nerve. 但是我从没有丧失我的勇气。
- I wanted to write an angry letter to him but I lost my nerve when I sat down to do it. 我原想给他写一封信出出气,但真的坐下来执笔时,却又没有勇气写了。
- I wanted to write an angry letter but I lost my nerve. 我想写一封愤怒的信,但我又没有了勇气。
- I don't know how it happened. I lost my nerve completely then. 我不知道事情是怎么发生的,当时我惊惶失措,全然不知。
- I don't know how it happened; I lost my nerve completely then. 我不知道事情是怎么发生的,当时我惊惶失措,全然不知。
- I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute. 我想尝试一下跳伞,可到最后关头却没有了勇气。
- I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my nerve. 我想向会议主席提一个问题;但立刻我又没有了勇气.
- I wanted to write a novel but I lost my nerve when I sat down to do it. 我想写本小说,但当我坐下来开始写的时候,就失去勇气了。
- I wanted to write an angry letter to him,but I lost my nerve when I sat down to do it. 我原想给他写一封信出出气,但真的坐下来执笔时,却又没有勇气写了。
- I almost lost my nerves when the roller coaster got the peak. 过山车到达最高点的时候,我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了。
- Greatness is my aim. Greatness is within my reach and I'm losing my nerve. 我的目标是做一个伟人,这已是近在咫尺,唾手可得了,而我却对自己的神经失去了控制。
- I have lost my nerve. 我失去了勇气。
- We were just lying in an open area.Every moment, I expected deadly shrapnel.At that moment I lost my nerves. 我都以为自己要被铺天盖地弹片夺去生命,这时候,我完全丧失了勇气,和我一起的另一个士兵也是如此。
- Because I lost my money I was in a jam. 我因为丢了钱而陷入困境。
- It was careless of you to lose my car keys. 你实在太粗心,把我的车钥匙弄丢了。
- Having lost my money puts me in rather a hole. 丢了钱使我陷于困境。
- I lost my crystal necklace at the party. 我在晚会上丢失了水晶项链。