- Just rounding the corners might hae produced as much feminization with less loss of tooth structure. 圆滑线角可能既可以产生更多“女性化”感觉又可以少磨牙。
- Just rounding the corners might have produced as much feminization with less loss of tooth structure. 圆滑线角可能既可以产生更多“女性化”感觉又可以少磨牙。
- For experiment group, the electromyogram and membrane potential of jaw movement and masseter muscle after loss of tooth were detected. 方法:通过对24只大耳白兔随机分组,对实验组动物进行牙齿丧失后的下领运动,咀嚼肌肌电图、膜电位的检测,将变化的生理功能信号进行比较分析。
- Just rounding the corners might have produced as much feminization with less loss of tooth structure.Getting a higher smile line would do more to feminize her smile. 如果做一个系带修整术可能会使患者的笑线更高些。
- To investigate the Metergasis of physiology of mastication after loss of tooth for finding out the relation among sensory nerve,motor nerve of masseter muscle and central nerve around apical ligament. 目的:探讨牙齿丧失后,口腔咀嚼生理功能的变化,了解牙齿根尖周膜感觉神经与咀嚼肌运动神经,中枢神经的关系。
- I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother. 你母亲逝世,我特向你慰问。
- The loss of all his money embitter the old man. 失去全部的钱,使这位老人甚为痛苦。
- The loss of the ball game stir up much feeling. 球赛输了引起了极大的愤慨。
- His death is a lamentable loss of our work. 他的死对我们的工作来说是令人悲痛的损失。
- Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials. 刻度盘未记录压力下降。
- The loss of the money has been a weight on my mind. 丢钱的事总是压在我心里。
- What will the world of tooth care look like then? 那么,到那时牙齿保健领域会是一派什么景象呢?
- What kind of tooth - paste do you want ? 你要哪种牙膏?
- She's suffering from loss of memory. 她患有遗忘症。
- One of the painful prices human beings have paid for their predilection for starchy and sugary foods has been the premature decay and loss of teeth. 人类为自己偏爱含淀粉和糖量高的食物而一直在付出的一个惨痛代价是,人未成年就发生蛀牙和掉牙。
- I need to buy a can of tooth paste. 我需要买一筒牙膏了。
- The loss of teeth from the drilling, it can intuitively feel the hardness of the geological situation. 从钻齿的损耗方面,可以直观地感觉到地质的硬度情况。
- The loss of the first game did not discourage them. 第一场比赛的失败并没有令他们沮丧。
- Use the shape area on the gap of tooth. 牙齿和牙齿之间,请以尖端部分擦拭。
- First, my hygienist presented me with a causal chain that was hard to dispute.Bad brushing leads to loss of teeth. 为了寻找更多建议,以便自己学会如何接受批评,我浏览了很多网站。