- abscond from 从…潜逃
- Also do not cover the fins , as these areas are used to lose heat from the body. 并且不要盖住鳍,因为这些区域(经常)从身体散热。(因为这些区域是身体散热的地方)
- Consequently, the immobile, vasodilated patient in a cold operating room will lose heat unless active measures are taken. 因此,静止且血管扩张的病人在泠的手术室除非积极采取保护措施否则会丢失热量。
- But the combined warmth of their bodies and the confined underground space probably negate the problem of losing heat to cold air for these animals, allowing them also to become naked. 人类褪掉皮毛从而减少了寄生虫的数量,同时采取生火、建造房屋、逢制衣服的方法避免了在晚上及寒冷的气候中受冻。
- A piece of metal left in the sun rises in temperature until it loses heat at the same rate at while it absorbs heat. 一片放在阳光下的金属;其温度要上升到它吸收热量和失去热量的速率相等时才停止.
- The water lost heat, and became lukewarm. The glass then thought to himself: this must be the warmth of what life brings. 水变温了,杯子感觉很舒服,杯子想,这就是生活的感觉吧。
- My toothbrush is losing its bristles. 我的牙刷掉毛。
- Losing the match made quite a dent in his ego. 比赛失败对他的自尊心打击极大。
- I am sick and tried of fighting a losing battle. 我对从事一场毫无成功希望的斗争厌倦了。
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。
- I have losing my way. Can you help me? 我迷路了。请帮忙引个路好吗?
- We were pretty sick about losing the match. 我们比赛输了感到很恼火。
- Losing balance, he plumped against the doorpost. 没有站稳,他一头撞在门柱上。
- Don't make so much fuss over losing a penny. 别为丢了一便士大惊小怪的。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- The heat had blistered the paint of the building. 酷热使建筑物上的油漆起了浮泡。
- I think the prime minister may be losing his grip. 我认为首相可能控制不住局面了。
- It is this molecular motion that we call heat. 就是这种分子运动我们称之为热。
- I'm wild about losing my gold fountain pen. 我因遗失了自来水金笔而暴躁不安。
- Heat may travel in the same manner as light does. 热可以与光同样的方式传播。