- That they never lose their temper. 她们从不发脾气。
- Men lose their temper in defending their tastes. 人们为了给自己的嗜好作辩解,是会发大脾气的。
- And they will apologize without hesitation shortly after they lose their temper, which is a rarity. 有时候他会发火,但事后不久,他也会毫不迟疑地道歉。
- Find something that makes them angry and keep wheedling away on this point until they lose their temper and so the argument. 找到那些使对手愤怒的事情不断刺激他们,直到他们失去理智,这样你赢得这场辩论。
- Deng said children that have psychological problems typically tend to act anxious, are unwilling to go to school, antisocial, easy to lose their temper, silent and so on. 邓晓红说道孩子们的心理问题容易表现在:忧虑烦躁、不愿上学、不满社会、脾气暴躁或沉默寡言等等。
- They lost their tempers easily and called one another's names. 他们动不动就发脾气,互相谩骂。
- There have been rumours of further arguments with Ryan Giggs and Darren Fletcher but these have not been substantiated and, besides, Ferguson has spoken in the past of wanting players who "care enough to lose their temper". 还有传闻说和吉格斯、弗莱彻也有冲突,但这些并未被证实,并且除此以外弗格森说他过去就对球员们说过“要控制自己的脾气”。
- She hates people losing their tempers. 她讨厌人发脾气。
- They lost their tempers and went at each other tooth and nail. 他们怒火直冒,拼死拼活地打了起来。
- They lost their tempers easily and called one another rs names. 他们动不动就发脾气,互相谩骂。
- They lost their tempers easily and called one another names. 他们动不动就发火,互相辱骂。
- When their son wrecked their car, they really lost their tempers. 他们的儿子弄坏了他们的车子时,他们实在很生气。
- They lost their temper easily. 他们很容易生气。
- While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. 他也是乐观的颜色,人们通常在红色房间里消失了火气,虽然孩子哭的更厉害。
- Children lose their innocence as they grow older. 童稚的天真随著年龄的增长而消逝。
- The chairman interposed in the disagreement between the two committee members,and prevented them from losing their tempers. 主席对两个委员会成员的不同意见进行了调解,使他们没有动肝火。
- How many people will lose their job be an open question? 有多少人将要失业,这一问题尚无定论?
- Everyone must learn to keep their temper at bay. 每个人都应该学会保持心绪平静。
- The eruption of volcano makes many people lose their lives. 火山的爆发使许多人丧失了生命。
- The chairman interposed in the disagreement between the two committee members, and prevented them from losing their tempers. 主席对两个委员会成员的不同意见进行了调解,使他们没有动肝火。