- The aircraft began to lose height. 飞机开始飞得低一些了。
- To lose height pilots have to spiral down to the runway. 为了降低高度,飞行员们不得不向着跑道螺旋降低。
- One passenger told Turkey's NTV television that the plane lost height suddenly as it came in to land, striking the ground tail first. 一名乘客告诉土耳其国家电视台,飞机飞到跑道时突然失重,尾部先着地。
- The climber fell from a great height. 攀登者从极高的地方坠落下来。
- How much do they stand to lose by this merger? 这次合并,他们要遭受多大损失?
- Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation. 小心,不要因为蒸发作用而失掉过多的水份。
- The twins are unequal in height. 这一对孪生儿高矮不一样。
- Let's keep together or we shall lose each other. 咱们待在一块儿,否则就会失散了。
- From a precipitous height we look at the town spread out below. 我们从险峻的高处眺望铺展在下面的城镇。
- Don't go too far afield or we might lose you. 不要走得太远,要不然我们会找不到你的。
- The total height is put at390 feet. 整个高度估计为390英尺。
- The game will lose its relish when you grow old. 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
- She can see over the wall because of her height. 她个子高,能看到墙的那一边。
- Pop was at its height in the early 1960s. 通俗艺术在二十世纪六十年代初最为流行。
- The tree grew to a height of 20 feet. 那树长到二十英尺高。
- For pat to lose his job is nothing to joke about. 对帕特来说失业可不是闹著玩儿的。
- Can you guess the height of the tree? 你能猜出这树的高度吗?
- Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend. 我每次画一幅肖像就失去一个朋友。
- He erected himself to full height. 他把身子挺直。
- He fall foul of his boss and lose his job. 他冒犯了老板,丢了工作。