- look around in bewilderment 不知所措地环顾四周
- He looked around in the village. “我该做什么呢!”
- Four people enter looking around in a curios way. 有四个人走了进来,好奇的四处张望。
- On a rainy day, Jane got to looking around in the attic and found some old pictures of Father. 一个下雨天,简偶然在阁楼里寻找东西,却找到了爸爸的一些旧照片。
- Pick up in Chengdu airport by aircondition bus, look around in city, then put up in hotel after dinner. 成都机场接机,乘空调旅游车前往市区,观蓉城市容。晚餐后入住酒店。
- Must not look around in terms of it, prevarication, because it will not only and actually play down their own. 千万不能环顾左右而言它,支吾搪塞,因为这样不仅会误人子弟,而且实际上也是在贬低自己。
- Welfare sent Suzanne to look around in my apartment the other day because the chemist said I was using a larger than usual amount of medical supplies. 某天福利机构派苏珊娜到我的公寓来视察,因为药剂师说我最近比平时用了更多的药品。
- For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment. 在很长的一段时间里,我看着它们为难地围着树的底部团团转。
- Casual in there is an old person before I discover pane, he is being worn toward the look around in the classroom, seeing look is to seeking a person. 不经意中我发现窗玻璃前站着一位老人,他正在朝教室里张望着,看神情是在找人。
- Look around in city after arriving.Melbourne is second city in Australia, the finance center of Australia, the city with UK flavor, quarter of city is park. 抵达后市区观光。墨尔本是澳洲的第二大城市,是澳洲的金融中心,该城市具有英国风味,市区的。
- She gazed upon him in bewilderment. 她茫然地注视着他。
- After breakfast leave for Canberra, the capital of Australia, look around in city, visit national exhibition, Capitol, embassy etc, then for Sydney by bus. 早餐后飞往澳洲首都堪培拉,抵达后市区观光,参观国家展览馆、国会大厦、使馆区等,然后乘车。
- His lower lip hung loose in bewilderment. 他迷惑地张着嘴。
- Sixth day: after breakfast in Sydney, look around in Sydney, visit BANGDI beach with traditional UK feature, emperor family park; the 2000 year Olympic Games etc. 第六天:悉尼早餐后悉尼市区观光,参观极富英国传统色彩的邦地海滩、皇家公园;2000年奥运会。
- She gazed on me in bewilderment. 她迷惑地注视着我。
- While riding a Gryphon you can look around in all directions to admire the scenery, watch other players beneath you, or simply get a new perspective on areas you've been. 当你骑在狮鹫上的时候,你能任意旋转视角观赏风景、看在你下面的玩家们、或者以另一个角度审视先前到过的区域。
- He batted the idea around in his head. 他脑子里反复思考这个想法。
- The girl gazed on the stranger in bewilderment. 那个女孩茫然地把目光放在那个陌生人的身上。
- Tao Zi looks around in all directions and at last, she sees Tang Gulu. 陶子往四处张望,最后终于看见了唐咕噜。
- Pigs are grubbing around in the bushes. 猪在树丛中乱拱。