- Farmers are looking ahead to a prosperous year. 农民们在展望一个丰收之年。
- We are looking ahead to a prosperous year. 我们预料将会有兴旺的一年。
- Looking ahead to the day you die. 只往前看直到你死掉那天为止。
- Looking ahead to the day you die! 只往前看,直到你死掉那天为止!
- We must now look ahead to Thursday night game against Sacramento. 现在我们必需向前看,那就是周四晚与国王的比赛。
- As I look ahead to the 21st century -- to your century -- I also see one world. 在我展望ZI世纪时,也就是展望你们的世纪时,我同样看到了一个大同世界。
- Have you looked ahead to what you'll be doing in five years' time? 你是否想过五年後你要做些什麽?
- It is said that young people often look ahead to the future while the elderly look back on the past. 青年人常思将来,老年人常思既往。
- Now we look ahead to the evening in Denver, which of course is morning in Bangalore. 现在,我们预测丹佛的夜晚,当然,在班加罗尔是早晨。
- As they look ahead to the rest of this century and beyond, they recognize that there is room for further improvement. 当向本世纪的最后几年及以后时期展望时,他们认识到还有需要进一步改进的地方。
- It is said that "young people often look ahead to the future while the elderly look back on the past". “青年人常思将来,老年人常思既往”。
- Have you looked ahead to what you'll be doing in five years'time? 你是否想过五年后你要做些什么?
- But now we're looking ahead to the game with Crotone. 我不认为我们有心态的问题,有的时候领先者就是会有挣扎的时候。
- Moreno, of Wild China, meanwhile, is looking ahead to 2009. 而莫伦诺则对2009年充满期待。
- But now we’re looking ahead to the game with Crotone. 但我们现在必须朝前看,全神贯注于对克罗托内的比赛。
- In Game 5), it was tempting to look ahead to making the Western Conference Finals before finishing off the job," added guard Derek Fisher. 在第五场比赛时;我们在我们还没有拿下比赛的时候就开始憧憬参加西部决赛了;"费舍尔补充说.
- During the first half of life, people look ahead to the second half. But during the second half of life, people look back to the first half. 在前半生里,人们向前看后半生;而后半生里,人们向后看前半生。
- The good thing about the NBA is that you have no time to ponder about that loss as you already have to look ahead to the next game tonight. 在NBA比赛其中一个好处就是你根本就不会有时间去沉思过去的失利,因为下一场比赛已经在眼前了。
- Joan ran ahead to film us as we crossed the bridge. 我们过桥时,琼跑到前面为我们拍照。
- Look ahead to the ducks have Jiao Xiao Huang, the day it was hit by car, it cried out: "piperidyl!" From then on it became a cucumber! 看前面来了有只鸭子叫小黄,一天它被车撞到,它就大叫一声:“呱!”从此它就变成小黄瓜了!!