- The disturbances acting on the receiver aircraft in the docking phase of an aerial refueling are analyzed and the truth of longitudinal flight control of the receiver is introduced. 摘要分析了空中加油对接过程中受油机受到的各种扰动,阐述了插头锥管加油方式受油机的纵向飞行控制原理。
- Longitudinal Flight Control and Guidance Law Design for Trans-aerosphere Vehicle During Climbing Phase 跨大气层飞行器爬升段纵向飞行控制律和制导律设计
- longitudinal flight control 纵向飞行控制
- Decoupling control theory based on a state variable method is deeply studied.And its application in longitudinal flight states of an aircraft is researched by simulation. 系统深入地研究了基于状态空间法的解耦控制理论,并对其在飞机纵向解耦控制中的应用进行了仿真研究。
- Subsystems of flight control system II. 飞行控制系统的分系统2。
- China Lanzhou Flight Control Co. 兰州飞行控制有限责任公司。
- Monte Carlo method is employed in longitudinal stability enhanced control law design and simulation process of a FBW flight control system in this paper. 设计过程也表明,蒙特卡罗方法可以有效支持和优化电传飞控系统的设计和验证过程。
- The next flight control keys around, the space bar shooting. 上下左右键控制飞行,空格键射击。
- Key then used, the flight control around key direction. 然后用上键飞翔,左右键控制方向。
- Flight controllers could no longer hear Glenn. 飞行指挥员们再也无法听到格伦的声音。
- We have burn complete," the commentator at the flight control center announced. ‘卡西尼’号已经完成熄火”,飞行控制中心的工作人员宣布。
- The design of the flight control system with the vectored thrust is discussed. 对带推力矢量飞机的飞控设计问题进行了研究。
- And during this case, flight control system (FCS) plays a more important role . 在上述改进的基础上,飞行控制系统起到关键性的作用。
- Missile rudders are executive bodies of missile flight control system. 舵机测试系统是导弹生产线上的重要设备。
- The relationships between agilities and flight control law (FCL) are analyzed. 摘要分析了敏捷性与飞控系统控制律之间的关系。
- The astronauts and the flight control center quickly decided that the lunar module could be their lifeboat. 宇航员和飞行指挥中心立即决定使用登月舱作为救生艇。
- ALTITUDE ACQUIRE, A digital flight control system mode to transition from climb (or descend) to level flight. 高度截获,一种数字式飞行操纵系统,从爬升(或下降)改平的模式。
- ARTIFICIAL FEEL, A force developed in the flight control or brake system for opposing or restricting movement. 模拟感觉,在飞行操纵系统或刹车系统中所产生的一种用以抗拒动作或限制动作的力。
- The primary flight controls consist of the ailerons, elevators, and rudder. 主飞行控制系统包含副翼、升降舵及方向舵。