- classifications of longitudinal studies of SLA 二语习得跟踪研究分类
- longitudinal studies of SLA 二语习得跟踪研究
- A longitudinal study of twins. 对双胞胎的跟踪研究
- His Seattle Longitudinal Study has become the classic model of the study of adult intellectual development. 其中 ,“西雅图纵向研究”已经成为该研究领域的经典研究模式。
- This week the American Psychological Association published the first longitudinal study of female bisexuality.Dr. 一项为期十年的研究表明,女性身上的双性恋倾向并不会使其成为女同性恋。
- He showed us four case studies of disturbed girls. 他给我们看了4位精神失常姑娘的病历。
- Design, Setting, and Participants: Longitudinal study of 698 community-living persons 65 years or older who were randomly selected from a population registry in Tuscany, Italy. 实验设计,安排及参与者:随机选取意大利托斯卡纳社区的698名年龄在65岁以上的老人进行纵向研究。
- Kippax S., Crawford, J., David, M., Rodden, P., Dowsett, G. Sustaining safe sex: a longitudinal study of a sample homosexual men. AIDS, 1993. No. 7, 257-263. 王曙光,男同志人群的安全套促进的阶段发展策略-一个干预试点研究报告。云南“中-英艾滋病防治合作项目男同性恋课题交流会”提交报告,2001。
- Yang, C. C. (2001). Longitudinal study of early linguistics growth: Investigating sequential relations. AERA 2001, Seattle, WA, USA. (ERIC; with Yang, C. C. 杨志强(2003)。选项特徵曲线在科学教育评量之应用。应用教学科技于科学教育学术研讨会,国立嘉义大学(与杨志坚合著)。
- David, H.M. &Nolan,C.J.& Kenneth,E.S.(2000):A longitudinal study of student attitudes toward computers:resolving an attitude decay paradox. Jurnal of Research on Computing in Education,32(3),325-335. 郭鸿仪(民85):国小教师科技与资讯素养课程目标之研究。国立高雄师范大学工业科技教育研究所硕士论文。
- A two-year longitudinal study of self-rated health, social support, and self-efficacy: Contributions to Chinese older adults' depression. 19th Biennial Meeting of the ISSBD,Melbourne, July 2006. 幼儿二级错误信念认知、亲社会行为与同伴接纳的关系。中国心理学会第十届全国心理学学术会议,上海,2005年10月。
- In a longitudinal study of leaders who, in retrospect, made the best and most effective decisions, the single quality that stood out from all others was the quality of "thoughtfulness. 在对那些历史上做出了最好和最有效的决策的领导人的长时间的研究中发现,能够与其他事情鹤立鸡群的单一品质就是思考的品质。
- The commander made a detailed study of the terrain. 司令员对地形作了仔细研究。
- The study of computer controlled robots. 对受计算机控制的机器人的研究领域。
- David Foulkes had ever done longitudinal studies related to children's dreams. 这时候,是不是才有空可以做一些轻松一点的梦呢?
- The study of viruses and viral diseases. 病毒学一种病毒和病毒性疾病的研究
- He has plagiarized most of the book from earlier studies of the period. 他那本书大部分都是从研究那个时期的著作中剽窃的内容。
- He makes a rigorous study of the plant in the area. 他对该地的植物进行了慎密的研究。
- She's doing a study of children's speech. 她正在研究儿童说话现象。
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究