- longitudinal rigidity of pier 桥墩线刚度
- These boundry conditions include the link ways between beam and piers, the rigidity of the rubber plinths,the locations of piers that are consolidated onto beam,and the rigidity of abutment. 这些边界工况包括梁、墩(台)连接方式、主梁与桥墩用橡胶支座连接时,其横桥向剪切刚度的大小、边固结墩的位置和桥台刚度的大小。
- Antimony adds to the rigidity of the casting. 锑能增加铸件的硬度。
- She regretted the rigidity of her upbringing. 她不喜欢严苛的家教。
- The rigidity of the metal caused it to crack. 这金属因刚度强而产生裂纹.
- To reduce the rigidity of;soften. 使柔软减少坚硬度;使柔软
- To reduce the rigidity of; soften. 使柔软减少坚硬度;使柔软
- You can measure the rigidity of blade by machine. 可以用硬度仪实测一下剑刃的硬度。
- He deplored the rigidity of her views. 他痛感她的观点僵化.
- It is imperative to study the rules of longitudinal force of CWR on bridge and discuss the limit stiffness of pier of the continuous beams that usually used in PDL. 新建铁路一次性铺设跨区间之缝线路已成为趋势,研究连续梁桥上无缝线路纵向力变化规律,探讨客运专线常见连续梁桥墩线刚度限值迫在眉睫。
- the rigidity of pier 主墩刚度
- I was very pleased with the torsional rigidity of the midsole. 使我高兴的是其中底是有扭力的坚硬。
- Rigidity of the weld is the highest and the plasticit... 焊缝区硬度最高,塑性差,且焊缝热影响区较窄。
- The Red Flag prosperous times through the appropriate longitudinal rigidity and the lateral stiffness, cause the operation stability with to ride comfortableness to fuse perfectly in together. 红旗盛世通过合适的纵向刚度和横向刚度,使操纵稳定性与乘坐舒适性完美融合在一起。
- America suffers from serious rigidities of its own. 美国承受着自身体制僵化的恶果。
- Sudden spasm and rigidity of muscles result from wind. 诸暴强直,皆属于风。
- Test Method for Rigidity of Polyolefin Film and Sheeting (08. 聚烯烃薄膜和薄板刚性的试验方法(08。
- For Vibrating the construction of all kinks of pier, bridge, tunnel, foundati- on of building, post, main beam and various perfabricated components. 适用于各种桥墩、桥梁、隧道、楼房基础、柱、主梁及各种预制构件的振捣施工。
- In the construction of pier shafts of the non-navigable spans of the bridge part,the workmanship of segment precasting and installation was applied. 上海长江隧桥工程是世界最长的桥隧结合工程,其中的上海长江大桥非通航孔墩身采用分节预制安装施工工艺。