- longer could descry. 较长,可以看出。
- Waiting any longer could be even more dangerous. 再等就会更加危险。
- How much longer could we stay in Forks, after all? 你要知道,我们能在福克斯待多久呢?
- How long could you wield such heavy broadsword? 如此沉重的大刀能挥舞多久?
- How long could mankind in charge of it? 人类还能狂妄几时!
- How long could the buyer expect your product to last? 购买者期望你们产品的使用期是多久呢?
- The Reform of Credit System in High Schools: How Long could It Go? 高中学分制改革:能够走多远?
- Longevity - How long could the products last in the market? 长寿-多久可以在市场上的产品?
- Century- questioning: How Long Could the Folk Literature Be Held on? 世纪追问:乡土文学能否进行到底?
- No longer could Hong Kong rely solely on its port to provide prosperity for its greatly increased population. 其后,由于人口激增,香港不能单靠港口来维持繁荣,于是开始发展工业。
- Work no longer could be an opiate anesthetizing him against his feelings and convictions. 他再也不用把工作当成麻醉自己情感与意愿的鸦片了。
- Ex.: a medium hauler of 450m long could use 1 C garage, 1 or 2 B garages and 2 or 3 A garages. 例如:一艘450米长的中型运输船可以使用1个C型泊位,一个或2个B型泊位,两个或3个A型泊位。
- Even when she no longer could go out to the prison, she corresponded frequently with several inmates. 即使她再也不能亲自到监狱去了,她仍经常与一些囚犯通信。
- If it is so, Juts think, if when at that night, I had found my 'precious' back that night? how long could it had been staying in hand of five? 不是吗?想一想,当年的我若是能在那个傍晚找回那颗石头,在小小的五岁孩童的手中又能保留多久呢?
- After trading the diaper, how long couldn't separate, also presented the same bloodstain, this kind of situation has continued to second day of early morning. 换尿布后,隔不了多久,又出现同样的血迹,这种情况一直持续到第二天早上。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- Until been stroke by the scene, and memories vaporized in the pale light and sparkling darkness, I still knew that yearn and longing could be so close. 直到触景生情,直到回忆重新在这泛黄的灯光和晶莹的黑暗中挥发,我才知道,怀念与憧憬,居然可以这么近这么近。