- He made a long neck to look at the tiger in the cage. 他伸长脖子去看关在笼子里的老虎。
- It's a giraffe. It has a long neck. 一只长颈鹿。它有长长的脖子。
- The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck. 长颈鹿以其长颈为特徵.
- A beauty is a woman who has a long neck. 夏威夷土著妇女的审美标准
- A giraffe has seven bones in its long neck. 长颈鹿的长脖子里有块骨头。
- The long neck is heredity of the giraffes. 所以现在我们看到的长颈鹿的脖子都特别长。
- Animals with long necks live off the leaves of tall trees. 长劲动物靠吃高树上的树叶来维持生命。
- The giraffe's ancestors didn't have such a long neck. 实际上长颈鹿的祖先的脖子也不是太长。
- Faults : Long neck with insufficient muscle. Dewlap very obvious. 缺点:肌肉缺乏的过长的脖子,喉部赘肉极其明显。
- What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck? 什么东西没有腿不过有一个身体和一个长长的脖子?
- Oh, see this photo. This girl has long neck like a giraffe. It l.. 哦,看看这幅照片。这个女孩有个跟长颈鹿一样的长脖子。看起来太奇怪...
- Suitable for deep copy milling with taper long neck type. 通过减小颈锥部尺寸可用于深槽加工.
- Do you know that a giraffe has only7 bones in its long neck like us people? 你知道吗,长颈鹿和我们人类一样,在它的长脖子里只有七块骨头。
- Long ago,there lived a queen named Esmeralda who had a very long neck. 很久以前,有一个女网,名叫埃斯梅拉达。她的脖子非常长。
- They were dazzlingly white with long necks. 他们有修长的脖子,全身是令人眩目的白色。
- Why do giraffes have long necks? 长颈鹿为什么会有长脖子?
- The Earl of Liverpool was said to have the longest neck in England. 据说,利物浦伯爵是英国脖子最长的人。
- The heavy camera with its bulky zoom lens was swinging in front of her chest; it seemed to him the weight of the camera would break her long neck. 带着变焦距长镜头的相机沉重地在她胸前晃动着,他觉得她那长长的脖子快被那机器坠断了。
- I have a 100 legs but cannot stand A long neck but no head And i eat the maids life. 我有100条腿,却站不起来,有一个长脖子,但没有头。我以女仆的一生为食。
- A giraffe acquired the genetic specification for a long neck through generations of browsing upon the upper foliage of trees. 长颈鹿获得遗传的特征长脖子是由于它们世世代代啮食树上部的树叶的原故。