- A Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a red clay bowl. 土耳其长烟管一种有长杆和红色的黏土做的烟斗的土耳其的烟管
- long stem cutting 长枝插
- She bought some roses with long stem. 她买了一些枝干很长的玫瑰花.
- She bought a rose with a long stem. 她买了一些枝干很长的玫瑰花。
- She bought some roses with long stems. 她买了一些枝干很长的玫瑰花。
- This is true for all folding bike brands with a long stem design. 这是所有设计有长竖管结构的折叠车所存在真实问题。
- Studies on the hard stem cutting propagation technique of Robinia pseudoacacia L. 四倍体刺槐硬枝扦插技术研究。
- Growth Regulator Effects on Adventitious Root Formation in Stem Cutting of Fontanesia fortunei Carr. 生长调节剂对雪柳嫩枝扦插效果的影响。
- She bought some rose with long stems. 她买了一些枝干很长的玫瑰花。
- Title: Growth Regulator Effects on Adventitious Root Formation in Stem Cutting of Fontanesia fortunei Carr. 关键词:雪柳;1年生枝条;生长调节剂;扦插效果
- Most folding bikes are designed with long stems. 许多折叠车都设计带有长头管结构。
- She bought some roses with faily long stems. 她买了一些枝干很长的玫瑰花。
- She bouget some roses with long stems. 她买了一些枝干很长的玫瑰花。
- Another way to propagate Roridula is through stem cuttings. 另外一种繁殖捕虫树的方式是枝插法。
- The study describes the scope of clonal propagation of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) by stem cutting collected from mature stockplants. 摘要本文利用母株上的茎段进行番石榴的无性繁殖。
- Adequate support must be provided for Long Stem Extensions exceeding 12 ft. of ”A“ dimension. 对于"A"尺寸超过12英尺的长阀杆加长件,必须提供适当的支撑。
- Champagne flutes are characterized by a long stem with a tall, narrow bowl on top. 香槟酒杯的特点是有很长的杯脚和很窄的杯体。
- Each winter also shorten long stems that have grown too scraggly. 每年冬天;也缩短长叶子变得太scraggly.
- Title: Effect of fertilization, prunning and density on cutting quality and rooting ability of stem cuttings of Larix kaempferi(Lamb.) Carr. 关键词:日本落叶松,采穗圃经营措施,插穗质量,生根潜力
- Such motion produces what I call a" pry bar" effect on your long stem resulting in premature heaadset and folding stem failure. 这是我们称之为“撬杆”的动作,它作用于你的头管后,将会使你的把杆过早损坏或折叠竖管发生故障。