- Denzel Washington and Halle Berry made history Sunday with Academy Award wins, and for many, it was a sweet victory, long past due. 3月24日的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,丹尼尔·华盛顿和哈利·贝里创造了奥斯卡史上一个令人难忘的时刻。对许多人来说,这个期待已久的胜利是多么的甜美啊!
- Denzel Washington and Halle Berry made history Sunday with Academy Award wins,and for many,it was a sweet victory,long past due. 3月24日的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,丹尼尔·华盛顿和哈利·贝里创造了奥斯卡史上一个令人难忘的时刻。对许多人来说,这个期待已久的胜利是多么的甜美啊!
- This puts me in mind of days long past. 这使我想起了好久之前的时日。
- long past due 早已到期,早已过期
- These flowers are long past their prime. 这些花的鼎盛花期早过了。
- She walked long past the end of the trail. 她走到小径遥远的尽头
- A person who lived in times long past. 古代人生活在过去时代的人
- Accrued income: Income earned but neither received nor past due. 应计收益(收入),应收未收收益:未收到也未到期的已获收入。
- She is long past the age of girlish hero-dreams now. 她已经早过了那种少女梦英雄的年龄了。
- It must have slipped his mind that his nephew was now long past 17. 他一定忘了他的侄子早已过了17岁了。
- The train is past due. 火车误点了。
- Collect past due amounts on lease accounts, working with difficult accounts which are long term delinquent and/or those not paid as promised. 催收租赁案件的逾期款项,特别是逾期时间较长和/或未按保证付款的案件。
- The time is long past when clear favorites could be predicted in gymnastics. 在体操比赛中可以明确预测谁能获胜的日子已经一去不复返了。
- She's long past retirement age. 她早已过了退休的年龄。
- The longer an account is past due, the greater the likelihood that it will not be collected in full. 应收账款逾期越久,无法全额收回的可能性越大。
- Is not a young man in the garb of the Loew has a long past on the court. 一点也不,年轻时的勒夫也曾披着一头长发在球场上呼啸而过。
- It's long past your bedtime. 你的就寝时间早过了。
- Karma is a script or dream from the past due to past experiences that your ancestors had at another time. 业力是一份来自过去、由你祖先在过去另一个时期所经历的剧本或梦想。
- Works with sales to develop supporting information to help resolve billing adjustments and outstanding past due invoices. 和销售人员一起完善支持信息,帮助解决营业额调整和明显的过期发货单;
- The compilation of Chinese genealogy, though long past its heyday, is still being carried on in Taiwan. 编制宗谱虽然已经不再盛行,但在台湾还是有人在做。