- long lint cotton 长绒棉
- There were no remarkable effects on the lint cotton per hectare. 但处理间的皮棉产量均无显著差异。
- Its main products are: quality of lint cotton, flour, long aftertaste of watermelon drinks, wine, beautiful color flavor dehydrated vegetables, tomato sauce, such as more than 10 varieties. 其主要产品有:质量上乘的皮棉、面粉,回味悠长的籽瓜饮料、酒,色鲜味美的脱水菜、番茄酱等10多个品种。
- Buying seed cotton, processing lint cotton, storing bales and selling bales are managed by the MIS (Management Information System) and it improves the information management level of cotton processing enterprises. 该系统将籽棉收购、皮棉加工、棉包仓储、棉包销售等环节都纳入到企业信息化管理中,大大提高了加工企业的信息化管理水平。
- They could increase the yield of pre-frost cotton, improve the fiber quality of lint cotton in appropriate dosage and concentration, but could not increase total cotton yield and bolls. 芸苔素内酯和复硝钠在适宜的剂量和浓度下可以促进棉花吐絮,增加霜前花产量,并改善棉花纤维品质,但不能增加棉铃总数和棉花总产量。
- They grow cotton of long staple. 他们种植长纤维棉花。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- Analysis of Selection Indices of Lint Cotton Yeild of Transgenic Bt Pest-resistant Hybrid Cotton 培育高产转Bt基因抗虫杂交棉的选择指数分析
- It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
- Analysis of yield components for lint cotton in conventional cotton and hybrid cotton 常规棉与杂交棉皮棉产量构成因素分析
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- Cream cakes are no long a luxury. 奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。
- It took a long while to do the work. 做这个工作花了许多时间。
- Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long. 就咱俩之间说说,那小伙子的头发实在是太长了。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long. 你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。