- long handle grass shears 长柄刈草铰剪
- An implement for cutting grass,has a long handle that must be held with both hands and a curved blade that moves parallel to the ground. 一种割草的工具,有必须从两头同时握住的手柄和与地面平行的曲头。
- Mops for cleaning the floor have a long handle. 擦洗地板的拖把有一个长柄。
- A child's low, four-wheeled cart hauled by a long handle that governs the direction of the front wheels. 婴儿车一种用于孩子的矮的四轮车,由长柄拉着控制四个轮子的方向
- A tool for breaking hard surfaces, consisting of a curved bar sharpened at both ends and fitted to a long handle. 镐,鹤嘴锄破坏坚硬表面的工具,由两端有弯曲锋利的尖和用来固定尖的长把组成
- A halberd or similar weapon with a hooked blade and a long handle. 戟:戟或类似的武器,有一钩刃和长柄语源。
- A tool with a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle. 长手把上直立地装着扁刃片的工具。
- Since the broom had a long handle, our hands were safe against the snake. 扫帚的柄长,扫蛇时自然不会碰到手,安全没问题。
- An iron tool consisting of a long handle with a bulbous end, used when heated to melt tar or warm liquids. 铁头棒一种有长手柄的铁制工具,手柄顶端有一球状物,加热后可以用于融化沥青或加热液体
- A child's low,four-wheeled cart hauled by a long handle that governs the direction of the front wheels. 婴儿车一种用于孩子的矮的四轮车,由长柄拉着控制四个轮子的方向。
- A small metal cone or cup on a long handle,used for snuffing out candles; a snuffer. 蜡烛熄灭器一长杆上的一小金属锥状物或杯状物,用于熄灭蜡烛;蜡烛熄灭器
- Moe has a grass shearer in his mouth and ultrasonic range finders to keep him from crashing into things. 莫伊的嘴巴里安装有割草机,身上还装有防止碰撞物体的超声波测距仪。
- Particular requirements for scissor type grass shears 剪刀式剪草机的特殊要求
- A tool for breakinghard surfaces, consisting of a curved bar sharpened at both ends and fitted to a long handle. 镐,鹤嘴锄破坏坚硬表面的工具,由两端有弯曲锋利的尖和用来固定尖的长把组成。
- A brush with a long handle will save you from having to bend down so far to clean the floor. 长柄刷将省得你弯腰驼背去清扫地板了。
- A small metal cone or cup on a long handle, used for snuffing out candles;a snuffer. 蜡烛熄灭器一长杆上的一小金属锥状物或杯状物,用于熄灭蜡烛;
- The egg nestled in the long grass. 蛋隐藏在高草中。
- A small metal cone or cup on a long handle, used for snuffing out candles; a snuffer. 蜡烛熄灭器一长杆上的一小金属锥状物或杯状物,用于熄灭蜡烛;蜡烛熄灭器
- A household implement made of absorbent material attached to a typically long handle and used for washing, dusting, or drying floors. 拖把一种用于清洗、除去或擦干地板的家庭用具,将吸水性材料固定于典型的长柄的顶端
- We swished through the long grass. 我们穿过深草地发出沙沙的响声。