- WTC Enhancement of DDL V Production Logging System. DDL-V WTC仪的改进
- Field Interpretation System for HCS-87 Computerized Logging System. HCS-87数控测井仪的井场解释系统
- A data communication equipment for image logging system based on USB 2.0 is described. 介绍了一种基于通用串行总线USB2.;0的成像测井数据传输接口硬件及软件设计。
- This paper describes a software system of the core gamma ray spectrum logging system that based on MS windows (CGRS). 文章介绍一种基于Windows环境的用于岩心伽马能谱连续测量系统(CGRS)软件的功能及组成结构。
- These opinions might apply to not only computerized logging system but also imaging logging system. 这些意见不仅适用于数控测井系统,也适用于成象测井系统。
- GSM/CDMA Interception, Encryption, Counter Measure, Lie Detection, Voice Logging System, Audio Surveillance. CDMA手机截听器,加密器,反侦器材,测谎仪,声音存储系统;窃听器等
- The most difficult part in NMR logging system is the detecting,amplifying and acquiring modules of the weak signals. 核磁共振测井中技术难度最大的部分,就是对微弱信号的检测放大及采集,需要采集的几纳伏的正弦信号伴随有极大的噪声。
- The Occurrence Log System has eliminated the need for keeping hard copies of these records. 设立事故记录系统后,谘询小组再无须以硬本形式备存记录册。
- With the development of computer and the updating of various softeware, DDL-V1000 logging system should also be updated simultaneously. 为了适应计算机的发展和软件不断升级换代,DD L-V1000测井仪只有同步升级,才能立足于当今测井市场。
- CLS 3700 logging system has been linked to the GR&NEUTRON instruments maked in China. Its cost is lower, profit is higher and fruitage is very clear. 用3700地面系统配接国产井下仪中子伽马,投入成本低,效益高,取得了良好的效果。
- Log system is used in the big system to record all kinds of status information in running time. 日志系统伴随着大型系统产生,用来记录系统运行时的状态等各方面信息。
- An advanced equalization algorithm can increase cable transmission rate so as to meet the need of imaging logging system. 先进的均衡技术可提高电缆的传输速率,以满足成像测井系统的需要。
- Litho-density logging system is researched by Monte Carlo method in this paper.DSDL-8723 tool litho-density logging model is established in this paper. 本文首先建立DSDL-8723岩性密度测井模型,并将模拟计算的结果与实验的结果进行比较,验证仪器模型与模拟计算的正确性。
- Record and log system activity over time by using Performance Logs and Alerts. 通过使用性能日志和警报记录随着时间推移的系统活动。
- Here in this paper the structure of program tape of CSU digital logging system was discussed and as a result the file and program directories of it was presented. 文中讨论了CSU数控测井仪的程序带结构,介绍其中的文件目录与程序目录,分析了CSU是如何通过文件目录与程序目录管理程序带上的文件的。
- The Log-IQ imaging logging system integrates and improves conventional logging and imaging logging,thus enhanceing the quality of log data as well as thin beds resolution. Log-IQ成像测井系统综合了常规测井项目和成像测井项目,对常规测井项目和成像测井项目进行了改进,提高了测井资料的质量。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- The system improves the repetition of program,controls the complication of time in a proper range,and decreases the fund an enterprise invested in developing log system. 通过这个系统,提高了程序的复用性,并使时间复杂度控制在合理范围内,极大地减少了企业在日志系统方面的开发投入。
- This panel can not only work independently,but also match with well logging systems... 该面板可以单独工作,也可以配备于测井、录井地面系统中使用。
- The paper introduces combination、the operational principle、probe electric wiring,system program of small hole digital ultrasonic image logging system and providing image information . 介绍了小口径数字超声成像测井系统的组成、工作原理、井下电路、系统软件以及所提供的图像资料。