- Keywords coprecipitation;homogeneous distribution law;logarithmic distribution law; 共沉淀;均匀分配律;对数分配律;
- logarithmic distribution law [化] 对数分配定律
- The paper derives Boltzmann distribution law in terms of the principleof maximum information entropy. 本文从信息熵概念着手,利用信息熵的极值性质导出了Boltzmann分布律。
- Law of equipartition of energy is proved by the promotion of Boltzmann distribution Law. 通过对玻耳兹曼分布律的推广,从而证明能均分定理。
- This paper is an application of Gibbs canonical ensemble to the derivation of Boltzmann Distribution law. 应用吉布斯正则系综导出了玻耳兹曼分布律 .
- Also,this paper analyses the vertical distribution law of time for dew condensation,disappearance and duration. 分析了麦田露形成、消失和持续时间的垂直分布规律。
- bivariate logarithmic distribution 二元对数分布
- On the basis of the analysis of the distribution law of long-term frozen soil at the northeast slope of Mt. 在分析大兴安岭东北坡多年冻土分布规律的基础上,论证了该区冻结层水特征。
- logarithmic distribution coefficient 对数分配系数
- The Chipof's distribution law was used for predication of the two metallogenic sections of the Anjiayingzi gold mine. 应用齐波夫分布律对安家营子金矿田两条主要的成矿区段进行了预测。
- Maxwell distribution law of velocity, quantity of heat, work, internal energy in thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics. 麦克斯韦速率分布率。热力学的热量,功,内能;热力学第一定律。
- Theorem of equipartition of energy, internal energy of ideal gas. Maxwell distribution law of velocity, Boltzmann distribution law. 能量均分定理,理想气体的内能;麦克斯韦速率分布率;玻尔兹曼分布率。
- The distribution law of furan content in oil of large step-down transformers in Shanghai Grid is researched by statistical analysis. The cautions in its application are presented. 摘要利用统计分析技术,研究了上海地区电网大型降压变油中糠醛含量的分布规律,提出了在其应用中应注意的问题。
- The distribution law and comparison of heavy metal Cu and radioactive nuclein 3H in different tissues and organs of crucian are carried out. 对重金属铜和放射性核素3H在鲫鱼不同组织和器官内的分布规律进行了研究并作了比较。
- In terms of the weak point and based on the microporocesses of breakdown,the statistical property is analysed, the Weibull distribution law is derived. 借助击穿弱点的概念,从间隙击穿的微观过程出发,推导了击穿累积概率分布特性,并对理论结果和击穿机理做了分析。
- Objective: To study the features of symptoms and signs and the distribution law of syndromes of hysteromyoma by epidemiological methods. 目的:应用流行病学方法,研究子宫肌瘤患者的症状特点及证候分布规律。
- For solving the problem,make a study of growth law and space distribution law of karstic collapse column in North China area. 为了解决陷落柱问题,文章对华北地区陷落柱的发育规律和陷落柱的空间分布规律进行了研究。
- The characteristic of the logarithm 6.3214 is 6. 对数6.;3214的首数是6。
- The results showed that,for 1420 alloy at double-ageing state,the maximum corrosion depth was consistent with the Gumbel distribution law. 以最大腐蚀深度为腐蚀损伤衡量指标,研究双级时效合金模锻件腐蚀的统计规律。
- The application of Maxwell velocity distribution law rigidly proves that the statistical proof on the state equation of ideal gas. 摘要应用麦克斯韦速度分布律严格证明了理想气体状态方程。