- Log shipping does not guarantee against data loss. 日志传送不保证不丢失数据。
- Is the name of the log shipping primary database. 日志传送主数据库的名称。
- Log shipping can be a supplement or an alternative to database mirroring. 日志传送可以用于补充或替代数据库镜像。
- Does replication work in conjunction with log shipping and database mirroring? 复制是否可与日志传送和数据库镜像一起进行?
- You can query these tables to monitor the status of a log shipping session. 可以查询这些表,以监视日志传送会话的状态。
- Log shipping is supported in SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, and Workgroup Edition. SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition、Standard Edition和Workgroup Edition均支持日志传送。
- Failing over to a log shipping secondary is useful if the primary server instance fails or requires maintenance. 如果主服务器实例失败或需要维护,则故障转移到日志传送辅助服务器将十分有用。
- In such a case, all of the log shipping configurations that use that monitor server would share a single alert job. 在这种情况下,使用该监视服务器的所有日志传送配置将共享一个警报作业。
- Describes the server instance used to monitor log shipping activity and keep log shipping history. 介绍用于监视日志传送活动和保留日志传送历史记录的服务器实例。
- Refreshes the monitor with the latest information for the specified log shipping agent. 利用指定的日志传送代理的最新信息刷新监视器。
- The continuous replication features use log shipping to create a second copy of a production storage group. 连续复制功能使用日志交付来创建生产存储组的第二个副本。
- The databases in a log shipping configuration must use the full recovery model or bulk-logged recovery model. 日志传送配置中的数据库必须使用完整恢复模式或大容量日志恢复模式。
- Check out the database mirroring section below for an interesting alternative to log shipping. 有关感兴趣的日志传送替代方法,请参阅下面的数据库镜像部分。
- For introductions to these technologies, see Overview of Database Mirroring and Understanding Log Shipping. 有关这些技术的简介,请参阅数据库镜像概述和了解日志传送。
- You can configure alerts that will fire if log shipping operations fail to occur as scheduled. 您可以配置警报,当日志传送操作无法按计划发生时激发该警报。
- LCR provides asynchronous log shipping, log replay, and a quick manual switch to a copy of the data. LCR提供异步日志传送、日志重播以及到数据副本的快速手动切换。
- You can use log shipping and database mirroring to maintain the instance and application databases on a standby server. 可以使用日志传送和数据库镜像维护备用服务器上的实例和应用程序数据库。
- If you require multiple standby databases, you can use log shipping alone or as a supplement to database mirroring. 如果需要多个备用数据库,可以单独使用日志传送或将其作为数据库镜像的补充。
- Cluster networks used for log shipping and seeding must be configured as mixed networks. 用于日志传送和种子设定的群集网络必须配置为混合网络。
- The log shipping secondary database %s.%s has restore threshold of %d minutes and is out of sync. 日志传送辅助数据库%25s.;%25s的还原阈值为%25d分钟并且已经不再同步。