- Target: Fixed a potential text location problem. 修復了一个潜在的局域化资讯问题。
- In this paper, we discuss a one-dimensional machine location problem with the backtracing of jobs. 本文探讨了生产流水线上允许返回作业的一维机器配置问题。
- The Capacitated Plant Location Problem (CPLP) is a NP problem and hard to get an optimal and satisfactory solution. 摘要容量受限的工厂选址问题属于NP难题,较难得到最优解和满意解。
- In this paper, we research the capacitated fixed facility location problem as manufactures in scale of economy. 摘要研究了企业在规模经济时带建站费用、有容量约束的工厂选址问题。
- To solve the leak detection and location problem in pipeline flux,we built neural network model based on the difference of leak wave and normal signal. 为了解决目前管道流量泄漏监测和定位问题,根据管道泄漏应力波和正常信号的区别,建立神经网络模型。
- The hub location problem with delivery time limitation.Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Management Science &Engineering, Inchon, R. 中国航空枢纽港选址与中枢航线网络设计研究;长安大学学报社会科学版;2006;8(4):37-41.
- Location problem in emergency systems often regrads “t he shortest t ime" as the objective,it may result in largely raising system s fee. 以往的应急系统选址问题通常仅把"时间最短"作为系统的优化目标,易导致系统的费用大大提高。
- In this paper, a type of multi-commodity location problem is described, which can be changed assignment problem, so it can be solved simply through Hungarian method. 摘要对一类多产品设施选址问题进行了描述,通过分析得出该类设施选址问题可转化为分配问题,从而可通匈牙利法对该设施选址问题进行简便地求解。
- This paper presents a very large scale neighborhood (VLSN) search algorithm for the capacitated facility location problem with single-source constraints. 摘要 近年来,由于科技的进步与经济的发展,让人们享受著舒适便利的生活,但相对也制造了大量的废弃物。
- In this paper, firstly, the importance of the facility location is presented and furthermore, according to various decision criteria, the multi-facilities location problem is formulated as three different models. 本文首先介绍了设施选址的重要性,然后在模糊环境中根据不同的决策标准,建立了三种不同类型的模型,并设计了一个遗传算法来解决其中一个模型。
- Some important properties of multifacility location models are to be dealt with, and an optimality condition for multifacility location problem on a closed convex set is put forward. 主要讨论多场址模型的性质,并给出了闭凸集上多场址问题的最优性条件。
- Television repairs refer to writing diagrams to locate problems. 电视修理员参考图表书面找出问题。
- The single source capacitated plant location problem(SSCPLP)is the capacitated plant location problem(CPLP)with single source constraints where clients must be served by a single plant. 带单源约束的选址运输问题是在经典的选址运输问题基础上考虑每个顾客需求的产品仅由一家工厂供应的情况。
- So it is a good option for this algorithm to solve small-scale single source capacitated plant location problems. 由此得出结论:对规模较小的带单源约束的选址运输问题,本文提出的算法是简便且行之有效的。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- The allocating and locating alternatively (ALA) algorithm, is widely used to deal with sources locating problem, but it depends on the initial location to a large degree. 该方法将高压配电变电站优化规划问题分为平面定位和组合优化两个子问题。
- The XML Editor in Visual Studio can locate problems in the XML structure. Visual Studio中的“XML编辑器”可以定位XML结构中的问题。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- In dealing with the problem he was cautious to an extreme. 他在处理这个问题时谨慎得过分了。