- locally optimal repair 局部最优修理
- Objective To explore the optimal repair of soft tissue s trauma in eyelid and arcula. 目的:探索眼睑及眶周软组织外伤急诊的最佳修复方式。
- First, the locally optimal control laws are derived for each modified equinoctial orbital element. 研究了近地小推力转移轨道的制导问题,给出了一种基于局部最优控制律的自主制导算法。
- "Extensive subperiosteal costal cartilage resection and perichondrial sheath detachment from the sternum may not be necessary for optimal repair. 最佳的修补并不需要广泛地骨膜下肋软骨切除,及将肋骨膜鞘从胸骨分离。
- This paper presents a HMM Local Optimal state Path-based Data Imputation (LOPDI) algorithm. 该文提出了基于隐马尔可夫模型局部最优状态路径的数据重建(LOPDI)算法。
- A new method combined global and local optimization is proposed. 针对这一问题提出一种全局优化同局部优化相结合的双层优化方法。
- In order to reduce the added production cost due to machines breakdowns, this research intends to find the optimal repair choice when several machines are down to minimize total cost. 为了降低公司因不预期机台当机而捐失之生产成本,本研究将以最小的持有成本为考量之前提下,评估最佳的机台修复顺序。
- The new algorithm has good converging speed and local searching ability of local optimal methods, as well as the global converging character of IA. 新的算法既具有局部搜索方法较快的收敛速度和较强的局部寻优能力,又具有免疫算法的全局收敛特性。
- However, there is still some shortcomings: relapsing into local optimal solution easily and the convergence is too slow. 但是现有的算法仍存在一些缺陷,容易陷入局部解且收敛缓慢。
- Based on the congruence non-repetition and ergodicity of chaos, the method will avoid the local optimal solution and find satisfactory globe optimal solution. 由于混沌优化算法的叠代具有不重复性和遍历性,因此该算法可以避免陷入局部最优点而获得全局最优。
- The traditional training methods of Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM) are sensitive to the initial model parameters,which often leads to a local optimal parameter in practice. 为了解决传统高斯混合模型(GMM)对初值敏感,在实际训练中极易得到局部最优参数的问题,提出了一种采用微粒群算法优化GMM参数的新方法。
- In order to speed up HEA, the local optimizations are hybridized in. 然后为了提高收敛速度,演化算法混合了局部优化算法。
- The last is the introduction of disturbation to avoid local optimization. 第四,引入扰动以避免陷入局部优化。
- The infeasible degree of solution was locally optimized through simulated annealing, to make it gradually approach feasible solution. 应用模拟退火算法,对解的不可行度进行局部优化,使其逐步逼近可行解。
- Speech feature parameters have complex distribution with high dimensions.Therefore, we have great difficulty in designing codebook.The traditional LBG algorithm yields only local optimal codebook. 语音特征参数是高维数据,样本分布复杂,因此码本设计的难度也很大,传统的LBG算法只能获得局部最优的码本。
- The simulation results show that it can find out all optimal solutions and local optimal solutions as many as possible and can realize adaptive searching without any transcendental presumptions. 通过与同类算法进行比较和计算复杂性分析表明,该算法不仅计算量小、具有更好的搜索性能,而且无需任何先验知识,可实现真正的自适应搜索。
- Based on gradient descent rule, the BP( Back Propagation) algorithm is a local optimization algorithm. bp算法基于梯度下降原理,是一种局部寻优算法。
- The experimental results show that the algorithm can improve the codevectors by avoiding falling into local optimality. 实验结果证明,此方法能克服局部最优,改善码书矢量。
- asymptotically locally optimal design 渐近局部最优设计
- As a local optimization algorithm,DAR (Dynamic Alternate Routing)has achieved great success in practical applications for its simplicity and utility. 作为一种局部优化的动态选路算法,DAR(Dynamic Alternate Routing)因其简单性和实效性在实际应用中获得了成功。