- The name was defined by another local process. 另一个本地过程已定义该名称。
- Explains how to create a report that runs in local processing mode. 解释了如何创建以本地处理模式运行的报表。
- The controls support both local processing and remote processing modes. 这两个控件都支持本地处理模式和远程处理模式。
- We offer a wide range of solutions tailored to local process requirements. 根据用户的具体流程要求,我们可以提供多样化的解决方案。
- In local processing mode, your application provides the report definition and datasets and triggers report processing. 在本地处理模式中,应用程序提供报表定义以及数据集报表处理和触发器报表处理。
- The client reports that you run in local processing mode can be easily created in your application project. 可以容易地在应用程序项目中创建以本地处理模式运行的报表。
- To call or spawn a local process, it must come from a context where the definition of the local process is visible. 为了调用或产生局部过程,必须是从本地过程定义可见的上下文中。
- Local processing mode is less powerful than remote processing and is intended for standalone applications that do not require a report server. 本地处理模式的功能不及远程处理强大,它适用于不需要报表服务器的独立应用程序。
- Below, the local process definition has different contexts for buying and selling a stock. 中,局部过程定义在买卖股票中有不同的上下文。
- The results are discussed in terms of the advantage of global over local processing under the attended and unattended conditions. 根据这些结果,讨论了在注意和非注意下的整体和局部性质加工的差异。
- A printer that has capacity of format control and local processing, its control unit is a microprocessor to control the operation of printer. 一种具有打印格式控制和局部处理能力的印刷机或打印机,它的控制器是一台微处理机,用于控制打印机的操作。
- Most techniques for saving energy exploit the intelligence within the device to perform local processing and to turn off unneeded resources. 大部份的省电技术,都会利用设备内的人工智能执行局部的处理程序,并且关闭不必要的资源。
- To promote the localization process of automobile industry of China. 促进中国汽车工业的国产化进程
- The localization process should be very similar from project to project. 不同项目的本地化过程非常相似。
- Local processing mode is also recommended if you require a straightforward deployment strategy where all parts of the application run together on the same computer. 如果您需要简单的部署策略,其中应用程序的所有部分都在同一台计算机上一起运行,也建议使用本地处理模式。
- The ReportViewer control supports a local processing mode that allows you to run client report definition (. Rdlc) files using the built-in processing capability of the control. ReportViewer控件支持本地处理模式;该模式允许用户使用控件的内置处理功能运行客户端报表定义(.;rdlc)文件。
- TEL has produced draft Guidelines with the intent to support data interchange and application-independent local processing and to offer guidance in text creation or capture. TEL已经有意产生草稿指导方针去支持资料交换和申请-独立的地方处理和去提供本文的创新或获得引导。
- State information can be stored within local process memory or, for Web farm configurations, out-of-process using either the ASP.NET State Service or a SQL Server database. 状态信息可以存储在本地进程内存中;或者;对于网络场配置来说;可以使用ASP.;NET状态服务或SQL Server数据库将状态信息存储在进程外。
- In local processing mode, the control opens a report definition, processes it, and then loads it into the view area. 在本地处理模式中,控件打开报表定义,对其进行处理,然后将其加载到视图区域。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。