- localization of weld seams 焊缝定位
- The image acquisition of weld seam is influenced by the intense spatters,combusting gas,arc and the noise . 获取的图像中存在大量的飞溅、烟尘、电弧光以及周围环境电磁、静电产生的噪声干扰。
- It is therefore very important to research the non-uniform deformation behaviors of the deep drawing process of tailor-welded square boxes, such as flange wrinkling and the movement of weld seams. 因此对拼焊板方盒件拉深过程中非均匀变形的研究是非常重要的,比如法兰区起皱和焊缝的移动等。
- A method of weld seam measurement based on structured light stereovision is proposed, which employs two charge coupled device cameras and a laser emitter fitted on the end-effector of the robot. 提出了一种基于结构光立体视觉的焊缝测量方法,并给出了一种简单的摄像机与激光器标定方法。
- The autonomous localization of initial welding position of weld is one of the key technologies to realize the intellectualized welding. 焊缝起始位置的自动定位是实现智能化焊接的关键步骤之一。
- The main features are that the back surface weiding seams are even, smooth and weld edge tidy, excellent in performances of welding technology and welding seam dynamics. 主要特点是背面焊缝匀称、光滑,焊趾整齐,焊接工艺性能及焊缝力学性能优良。
- Effects of welding parameters on the penetration of austenitic stainless steel A-TIG weld seam with the home-made active flux were carried out. 利用自制的活性剂,考察了焊接工艺参数对奥氏体不锈钢A-TIG焊焊缝熔深的影响。
- The coke towers are working under high temperature and coke in and out with hot and cold distress,and local severe distortion of the towers or dehiscence of welded seam appears frequently. 焦炭塔长期在高温及充焦、除焦的冷热疲劳作用下运行,常出现塔体局部严重变形和母材焊缝开裂问题。
- This text deals with ultrasonic detection of welding seams on ball and tube of space frame. 指出对空间钢网架球管焊缝进行超声波探伤,检测结果表明;
- The problem of searching the center of weld fleetly and exactly is the key of automatic welding system, so a welding seam tracing system based on CCD was presented. 快速而准确地寻找到焊缝中心的位置是实时焊缝跟踪系统要解决的首要问题,文中提出一种基于视觉传感器CCD的焊缝跟踪系统。
- Ultrasonic inspection of weld seam 缝焊的超声波检测
- It also has advantages of simple operation, low cost, good quality of welding seam and rectangle and oval parts. 操作简单方便,成本低,焊缝质量优良,并且还可对矩形、椭圆形等形状实施高质量焊接。
- In the process of submerged arc welding of spiral slits,welding defects may occur because the oxidized iron sheets in the course of welding may cause messy welding seams. 在螺旋缝埋弧焊生产过程中,由于带钢表面氧化铁皮进入焊接过程,往往会造成焊缝夹杂,出现焊接缺陷。
- Experimental results of welding seam tracking testified the effectiveness and reliability of the method. 焊缝图像处理与焊缝跟踪试验结果证明了该方法的有效性和可靠性。
- The undetected or misjudge problem of on testing by ultrasonic waves of welding seam is a very conspicuous problem. 焊缝超声检测的漏检或误判问题是一个比较突出的问题,其中一个重要原因是由反射波信号确定缺陷大小、形状和性质时存在较大偏差。
- A cavity is made on both sides of weld bead. 在焊道表面两侧作一空腔。
- Begins localization of environment changes in a batch file. 在批处理文件中开始对本地环境特征进行修改。
- The article analyzes that all factors effect impacting toughness of welded seam of ERW pipe on the basis of mass produce and practice. 在大量生产实践的基础上分析了影响ERW直缝电阻焊钢管焊缝冲击韧性的各种因素。
- The microstructure of welded joints by manual SHS welding was studied,and the mechanical properties of the welding seam were tested. 分析了手工自蔓延焊接接头的微观组织,测试了焊缝的力学性能,研究了焊缝合金与母材过渡区的元素分布及存在方式。
- The processing algorithms for the laser image of welding seam are expatiated, which are divided into two parts of preprocessing and postprocessing. 对激光焊缝图像处理算法进行了详细阐述,算法分为预处理和后处理两部分。