- How can a group of local image Set as Wallpaper? 如何将本地的一组图片设置为桌面背景?
- More specifically, local images and meanings are produced and diffused in and through regimes of representation, and in their turn mediate the local development and the shaping of local consciousness. 在隐含了联盟与冲突的社会关系和地域过程中,特定的再现与传播机制会塑造地方意象与地域意义,以介入地域发展或地方意识的形塑。
- Gum streaks A defect in offset plate, where local image deteriorated in areas of excessive gumming. 柯式印版上,局部上胶过度而损坏的故障。
- Gum streaks: A defect in offset plate, where local image deteriorated in areas of excessive gumming. 胶痕:柯式印版上,局部上胶过度而损坏的故障。
- An approach using both global and local image features to retrieve trademark image is presented. 摘要提出一种使用全局和局部图像特征检索商标图像的方法。
- Gum streaks: A defect in offset plate, where local image deteriorated in areas of excessive gumming . 胶痕:柯式印版上,局部上胶过度而损坏的故障。
- Because the LBF energy enables the extraction of accurate local image information,LBF model can address the segmentation of images with intensity inhomogeneity,to which PC models are not applicable. 因为LBF能量能够获取图像的局部信息,所以LBF模型解决了PC模型不能处理灰度不均一图像的分割问题。
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。
- Data owner can use his private key embed the identification into the local image and retrieve it from the watermarked image. 数据的所有者利用私钥向数据中嵌入版权信息,任何数据使用者可以利用公钥从接收到的数据中提取版权信息。
- The filter maintains the local image characteristic,expecially on the edges and details,while it depresses the computational performance. 该滤波器算法牺牲了简单平滑滤波器的计算性能,但很好地保留了图像的局部特点,特别是边缘和细节。
- The watermark consists of a pseudorandom sequence and its strength is modulated according to the local image characteristics. 水印为二值伪随机序列,其强度可通过局部图像特征来调节。
- Rockwell has realized that the thriving of the corporation and the local image in China are closely bound up with the knowledge and the skill of the personnel. 罗克维尔公司已经认识到,公司的发展及在中国的形象与其人员的知识和技能密不可分。
- Methods: Radionuclide bone scan by double gantre SPECT were performed in 310 pulmonary carcinoma patients with bone metastasis, and local imaging were performed when necessary. 方法:使用SPECT双探头仪对310例肺癌患者进行核素全身骨显像,必要时加做局部静态显像。
- There are several supermarkets in the locality. 这个地区有好几家超市。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。
- We use the Mallat algorithm to reconstruct the RIO of Shepp-Logan image. Because of locality and multiscale of wavelet transform, local image can be reconstructed by local data. And thus can reduce using time and exposed X-rays. 本文利用Mallat金字塔算法对Shepp Logan图进行局部重建 ,利用小波所具有的多尺度特性和良好的局部特性 ,能够仅用局部投影数据重建出感兴趣的局部区域 ,由此不仅降低了X射线的辐射剂量 ,而且缩短了成像时间。
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。