- Only the local train stops at my station. 我那个车站只有普通列车会停。
- Do you like to take a local train or an express? 你想坐普通车还是特快?
- Where can I catch a local train for Taibei? 我到哪里能坐到普通火车去台北呢?
- You can only take the local train. 你只能坐慢车。
- Shall I take the express or local train? 我该坐快车还是慢车?
- Which of them is the local train? 哪趟是慢车?
- The local train stops at every station. 慢车每站都停。
- But it will take four hours to travel by local train. 不过坐慢车得4个小时。
- I don't want to take the local train,it makes too many stops. 我不想乘慢车,慢车停站太多。
- The express train and the local train both stop here. 快车、慢车都在这里停。
- The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train. 当地的列车不和美国铁路客运公司的列车相连。
- One local training FLT making simulated let-down. 一架飞机在本场做模拟穿云训练。
- Identify and develop local training providers. 确定并发展本地的培训教学人员。
- Must I change to a local train? 我必须换乘慢车吗?
- One Trident 258 on local training, making touch and go landing. 三叉戟258在本场做连续起落训练。
- The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train; The planes don't connect and you will have to wait for four hours. 普通车不能与美铁衔接;飞机不能衔接,你不得不等待。
- Do you like to take a local train or an express?/Have you reserved your ticket?/I have bought a ticket for a sleeper. 你想坐扑通车还是特快?/你订票乐吗?/我买了张卧铺票。
- Ten passen-gers were injured after a local train hit the express train in the south-ern Indian city. 印度一辆火车和一辆高速列车当日在南部城市海得拉巴相撞,10名乘客受伤。
- Some local trains have been taken off,as there was no demand for them. 当地一些班车由于没有需求而取消了。
- Only one local train of the rich manure Main Line is Beppu departure and arrival. 只1部的豊肥本线的普通列车是别府出发到达。