- local topology database 局部拓扑数据库
- It succeeded to resolve the updating of tens of thousands of routing table,the shaking of complex RPR topology database,high cost of hardware storage space and the spending problem of CPU. 成功地解决了数以10万计的路由表项的更新、复杂RPR拓扑库的震荡、高成本硬件存贮空间和CPU的开销问题.
- It succeeded to resolve the updating of tens of thousands of routing table, the shaking of complex RPR topology database, high cost of hardware storage space and the spending problem of CPU. 成功地解决了数以10万计的路由表项的更新、复杂RPR拓扑库的震荡、高成本硬件存贮空间和CPU的开销问题。
- Performance: A VLAN can reduce the number of router hops and extend your local topology between user workstations and resource servers, increasing the apparent bandwidth for network users. 性能:一个虚拟局域网可以减少路由器的数量,在用户工作组和资源服务器之间扩展拓扑,增加网络用户的表面带宽。
- Based on the local topological structures of finite element meshes, this paper presents several procedures for improving the topology of unstructured quadrilateral meshes. 摘要基于有限元网格的局部拓扑结构,给出一些非结构化全四边形有限元网格的拓扑优化策略,这些策略被组织成“型-操作”的形式。
- The use of summarization to reduce the size of the routing table helps localize topology changes, a benefit that promotes network stability. 通过摘要的使用来减小路由表的尺寸有助于使拓扑变化局部化,好处是提升了网络的稳定性。
- Each link-state router takes a copy of the LSA and updates its link-state, or topological database. 每个链路状态路由器得到一个LSA的复本且更新它的链路状态或拓朴资料库。
- Local Topology Information Based MAC and Routing Algorithms for Ad Hoc Networks Ad Hoc网络中基于局部拓扑信息的MAC协议与路由算法研究
- We study the sandpile dynamics on tunable cluttering coefficient (CC) scale-free networks, which helps to understand the effect of local topological change on the cascading of sand avalanches. 3. 2.;考察了不同聚类系数下无标度网络上沙堆模型的雪崩动力学特性;并从局部拓扑结构对雪崩的级联发生过程影响的角度给予了解释;
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。
- He's a paint sprayer in the local factory. 他在当地工厂当喷漆工。
- The local shop has some radios going cheap. 本地商店有些廉价的收音机。
- The local economy is now in a mess. 当地的经济现在很混乱。
- That's not a local accent. Where do you hail from? 那不是本地口音,你是什么地方人?
- Some of the local news come on very quick. 有些本地新闻很快就上电视。
- There's a good play on at the local theatre. 本地剧院正在上演一出好剧。