- local tissue hypoxia 局部组织缺氧
- Arterial hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia maybe induced by tracheal suction. :吸痰可导致低氧血症和组织缺氧。
- Obesity-related liver injury can be attributed to leptin, tissue hypoxia, and reactive oxygen species produced during apnea episodes. 与肥胖相关的肝损伤可以归因为呼吸暂停间歇过程中产生的瘦素、组织缺氧和活性氧。
- Carbon monoxide causes tissue hypoxia, globus pallidus damage as well as diffuse white mater lesions and encephalopathic changes. 一氧化碳中毒可造成组织缺氧,苍白球破坏,弥散性白质及脑部病变等。。
- Severe hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and metabolic acidosis with symptoms of target organ or tissue hypoxia may ensue if prompt therapy is not instituted. 如不及时开始治疗,便可发生严重的低氧血症、碱中毒、代谢性酸毒症伴靶器官或组织缺氧症状。
- Objective: To observe the prevention actions of Sheduqing capsule on local tissue necrosis of cobra bite patients. 目的:观察中药制剂蛇毒清胶囊对眼镜蛇咬伤患者局部组织坏死的预防作用。
- They exhibit strong tendency to cause cytotoxicity, necrosis at local tissue and systolic heart arrest. 药理学上的观察显示:受到眼镜蛇咬伤的伤者,咬伤区域的组织有严重的发炎反应。
- Objective: To exploring the affection of the Chinese cobratoxin to cause local tissue damage on coagulation system. 目的:探讨中华眼镜蛇毒致局部组织损伤后对凝血系统的影响。方法:用中华眼镜蛇毒制作家兔局部组织损伤模型。
- Conclusion Escharectomy during burn shock stage was beneficial in reducing injury of endothelial cells,decreasing exudation and edema,decreasing tissue hypoxia and improving microcirculation. 结论休克期切痂可减轻内皮细胞损伤,减轻渗出与水肿,减少组织缺氧,改善微循环。
- Heparin enhanced microcirculation of xanthoma,and made local tissue lipoclasis and lipocytes die away. Finally,the skin recovered. 肝素可改善睑黄色瘤局部的微循环,消除了局部组织内脂肪,使真皮内的黄瘤细胞脂肪清除,使之恢复到正常皮肤。
- In addition, cold and wet compress of magnesium sulfate could dehydrate the local tissue of body so as to cause skin necrosis. 同时使用硫酸镁冷湿敷会加重高渗性液体渗漏患者局部组织脱水:从而导致局部皮肤坏死。提出应明确钙剂渗漏危害,统一制定并实施处理流程;
- In addition,cold and wet compress of magnesium sulfate could dehydrate the local tissue of body so as to cause skin necrosis. 同时使用硫酸镁冷湿敷会加重高渗性液体渗漏患者局部组织脱水:从而导致局部皮肤坏死。 提出应明确钙剂渗漏危害,统一制定并实施处理流程;
- Abstract: Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is present in local tissues. 文章摘要: 组织局部存在肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)。
- The ASIS not only depended on the change of the local blood flow in early period, but could relate with local tissue compensatory difference to anterior segment ischemia. ASIS的发生不完全取决于局部血流量的早期变化,而与其晚期组织对缺血代偿反应差异有关。
- Local tissue adhesions often produce restrictive eyeball movement after extraocular surgery.Strabismus and diplopia offen occurs as postoperative complications. 摘要外眼手术后局部组织粘连导致限制性眼球运动障碍,患者出现斜视、复视等术后并发症是广大眼科医生所极力避免的。
- Objective To observe the change of plasmic LPO,SOD,GSH-PX of patients with local tissue necrosis bitten by Naja naja atra,and the effects of Sheduqing capsule on them. 目的观察蛇毒清胶囊对眼镜蛇咬伤合并局部组织坏死患者血浆LPO、SOD、GSH-PX的影响及疗效。
- Result Hemorrhage after tooth extraction operation is always happened on local tissue injury,irregular operation and illogical adaption choice are the major cause of hemorrhage. 结果拔牙后出血以局部组织损伤为主,操作不规范和适应证选择不合理是造成出血的主要原因。
- Localized tissue infection induced by Salmonella has been rarely described in humans. 摘要沙门氏杆菌造成的局部组织感染较少在人类中被描述。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。