- local special number 局部专用数
- He tried to imprint the special number on his memory. 他试图把那个特殊的号码牢牢记住。
- Molly, my mother once gave me a special number to call in case of an emergency. “莫莉,我妈妈曾给了我一个特殊的号码,让我万一遇到紧急事件时,就拨打它。”
- Would you like to try local speciality? 您想试一下本地的特色吗?
- Frozen dumplings are a local speciality. 冻饺子是哈尔滨冬季的风味食品。
- These are our local specialities. 这些是我们的地方特色菜。
- My stolen bicycle was identified by a special number marked on it in a secret place. 我被盗的自行车上的一个隐密地方有个特殊号码,所以被认出来了。
- The students made a special number of the newspaper to celebrate the school's 50th birthday. 学生们为了校庆50周年准备出版1期特刊。
- "What you choose is a lucky number, by rule you still have to hand over 8 dollars special number surcharges. “您选的是个吉利号码,按规定您还得交8元的特别号码附加费。
- The fish near Hokkaido grow plump and delicious, and local special dishes include sashimi, sushi, and seafood hot pot. 北海道附近的鱼类很肥美,当地特色料理还有生鱼片、寿司以及海鲜火锅。
- There are local specials and events in each market as well. 还有地方性的特别节目和每个市场的活动。
- Work in groups to search available sources for local special recipes and try to work out a family dinner menu with introductions to the recipes. 几人合作,查询有关当地或苏州乃至自己喜欢的食物名称及菜谱,并调配一桌家庭或朋友聚餐时的菜单,并对其稍作说明。(认真做啊,看谁做的让人馋涎欲滴!)
- In ancient Greece, young Pythagoras discovers a special number pattern (the Pythagorean theorem) and uses it to solve problems involving right triangles. 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)
- Currently for those areas in the mainland without international direct dial service (ISD), users can first call the C &W special number, which will relay the call to the mainland. 目前大陆尚未开放国际电话用户直接拨号(ISD)的地区,用户可先以国际拨号方式,拨叫香港大东局专设的电话号码,再由大东局值机员纪录后转接大陆。
- Due to work nature, I adapted to and admired different kinds of food, as I travelled.Wherever I go, always looking for the local special dishes. 由于经常在外,养成了甚么地方、类别的菜都食的习惯,时间长了,每到一个地方,寻找美食慢慢变成的爱好。
- Based on the local special climate condition and geological character, the design is optimized to promote the economic efficiency and practicability of the engineering. 在设计中针对当地特殊的气候条件和地质特征,因地制宜,优化设计,旨在提高工程经济性及实用性。
- Hong Kong Paralympic Committee &Sports Association for the Physically Disabled (HKPC&SAPD) is so enthusiastic to promote sports activities in local special school. 香港残疾人奥委会暨伤残人士体育协会一直期待在学校推行运动发展计划。
- The possessive of the line of special number: if a special number made a call, the communication between the main machine and the plain number is terminated and the special number is on the line. 特护抢号功能的实现:当病员正在与医护人员通话时,如果有护理等级更高的危急病员呼叫主机,系统将中断正在进行的通话而接通危急病员的电话。
- The shopping arcade on the first floor sell all kinds of souvenirs,jewellery ,local speciality,fashion clothes and curio. 一楼大堂的商场内各式纪念品、本特产、时装古玩等各类商品琳琅满目,令您爱不释手。
- At present there exist some problems in the development of tourist commodities in Fenghuang County, such as old-fashioned ideas, lack of local special goods and dim consciousness of brands, poor shopping environment. 目前凤凰县旅游商品开发中存在著观念落后、缺乏地方特色商品、品牌意识差、购物环境不够理想等问题。