- He does all sorts of work for the local party. 这种人为该党的地方组织包办一切事务。
- Local Party committees can also look into this question. 各地方也可以研究这个问题,注意这个问题。
- The front committee is in charge of the local party organizations. 前委管理地方党。
- Totems will also affect raid members, not just the local party. 图腾不仅作用于小队,而将作用于整个团队。
- Many of our local Party branches are still reluctant to let intellectuals join. 许多地方党部,还不愿意吸收知识分子入党。
- She was elected to serve for another year as secretary of the local party. 她再次当选地方党组织的书记,连任一年。
- Since 1935 relations between higher and lower and central and local Party organizations have been normal on the whole. 从一九三五年以来,我们党的上下级关系,中央和地方的关系,一般是正常的。
- The local party workers have adopted Julia Green as their representative for the coming election. 地方党的工人选定朱莉娅·格林为他们的代表,参加即将举行的选举。
- Local Party organizations which have not strictly observed this decision should immediately put the matter right. 某些地方党部尚未严格执行此决定的,应即加以纠正。
- However,there cannot be as much democracy in the Party organizations in the army as in the local Party organizations. 但是军队党组织的民主应少于地方党组织的民主。
- It is incumbent upon the local Party committees to help these enterprises to fulfil their tasks. 地方党委有责任帮助中央在地方所办的事业去完成任务。
- Army cadres sent to rural areas must work under the leadership of the local Party organizations and in conformity with the plans of the mass organizations there. 军队派到乡村工作的干部,必须统一于当地党的领导之下,在当地群众团体的工作计划之下步调一致地工作。
- We should put this question before the entire Party membership and give it an important place on the agenda of the Central Committee and of local Party committees at all levels. 我们要把这个问题郑重地提到全党面前,提到中央和地方各级党委的重要议事日程上来。
- Reflecting Beijing's concerns about the province's unilateralist tendencies, there has not been a local party secretary in Guangdong since 1998. 广东自1998年以来就没再出现过本省人担任的省委书记,这反映出北京对于这个省份离群单飞倾向的担忧。
- In addition, local party officials, long used to manipulating information, have been complicit in the payoff system when it suits their needs. 另外,一些地方的共产党官员,长期惯于操纵处理这种与记者串通一气的信息游戏,在交易中让信息发布符合他们的需求。
- The illegal seizure by local party officials of valuable farmland at the edge of burgeoning cities is a rampant and growing abuse. 新兴城市边上值钱农田被当地党的官员非法夺走,已成为一种普遍并愈演愈烈的权力滥用。
- At that time the local Party organizations and the masses of the people in the counties of Kian,Hsingkuo and Yungfeng were all opposed to the Red Army's withdrawal. 当时吉安、兴国、永丰等县的地方党组织和人民群众无不反对红军的退却。
- So you are now a director and not doing right, and to some extent in terms of a local Party committees points, This gap is the strength of the confrontation. 所以说你现在不是和一个厂长做对,从某种程度上来讲是在和一个地区党委作对,这样的对抗力量是悬殊的。
- She said: "It is just disaster after disaster after disaster." She described her local party members as "headless chickens. They are really in bereavement". 她说:“这是一个灾难,彻头彻尾的灾难。”她说本地政党党员都是些“没头脑的呆鸡,都像死了亲娘似的。”
- Niu Qun is elected as subprefect of unconscious city county smoothly in those days, rely on local Party committee and government greatly drive and " recommend " . 牛群当年顺利当选蒙城县副县长,在很大程度上依赖于当地党委和政府的推动和“引荐”。