- local land resources 本土资源
- The map is kept at the local land registry. 地图存放在当地的土地登记处。
- It is a waste of land resources. 那是浪费土地资源。
- Technology of land resources investigation in China II. 中国土地资源调查技术2。
- Labor forces are abundant, but land resources are scarce. 1劳动力资源丰富,但土地资源稀缺。
- The itinerary is subject to the final discretion of the local land operator. 以上行程只供参考;最后行程于当地旅行社安排为准.
- Source:Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of Tianjin. 资料来源:天津市国土资源和房屋管理局。
- There are abundant wet land resources in the Yangtze valley. 长江流域有丰富的湿地资源。
- Selected works of the application of China's land resources survey results II. 中国土地资源调查成果应用选编2。
- The boom in building has resulted in the local land being more valuable now for houses. 营造业的兴旺导致了目前当地房屋建筑土地价格上涨。
- Land resource management in russia II. 俄罗斯土地资源管理2。
- The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources. 这个国家以土地资源分布不均勻出名。
- This was opposed by the old local land owners (aristocrats and monasteries) who rebelled. 这遭到了当地原有地主(贵族阶层和寺院)的反对,并发动了反叛。
- Information Source:Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of Tianjin. 资料来源:天津市国土资源和房屋管理局。
- But now, some people are cruel to land resources for excessive overdrafts. 但眼下,有人却在残忍地对土地资源进行过度透支。
- When collecting the land use certificate, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall pay the land use fee to the local land administration authority. 外资企业在领取土地证书时,应当向其所在地土地管理部门缴纳土地使用费。
- Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. 因为水资源的浪费和土壤被侵蚀,土地资源逐渐缩小。
- Still, the provinces strenuously objected to it and rejected any Federal attempt to control local land use -- for instance, protecting the areas where endangered species live. 尽管如此,各省还竭力反对它,拒绝考虑联邦政府要控制地方的土地使用的种种尝试,如保护濒危物种生活的地区。
- Many local land collate achieved through the conversion of farmland, some places are far greater than even the construction of additional land use. 很多地方通过土地整理实现了耕地的占补平衡,有的地方甚至实现新增耕地远远大于建设用地。
- Gottfried, R. R. (1988), The Effect of Recreation Communities on Local Land Prices: The Case of Beech Mountain, American Economist, 32: 59-65. 翁志贤(2001),消费者购屋行为之探讨-品牌权益、品牌态度与购屋评估准则对购屋意图之影响,国立成功大学企业管理学系硕士论文。