- local job entry 本地作业入口
- A remote job entry (RJE) system is developed for EDC network. 为了开发RDC网,我们设计了远程作业录入(RJE)系统。
- Strict local job scheduling and uncontrolled data producers. 本地作业的调度很严格,且数据的产生是不受控制的。
- Cannot add a multiserver job to a local job category. 无法将多服务器作业添加到本地作业分类中。
- Cannot add a local job to a multiserver job category. 无法将本地作业添加到多服务器作业分类中。
- The projects will provide further local job and business opportunities. 机场核心计划各个工程项目并会为本港带来更多就业和商业机会。
- A part of the job entry subsystem that receives job input and records it in the job queue and spool data set. 作业输入子系统的一部分,负责接收作业输入,并将其记录于作业队列和假脱机数据集内。
- In the Remote Job Entry Facility (RJEF), a program that receives output data from the host system. 远程作业输入软件(RJEF)中的一种程序,用于接收来自主系统的输出数据。
- In the local pull model strategy, each group of grid resources is assigned to take jobs from a local job queue. 在本地拉模式策略中,每一组网格资源都指派为从一个本地任务队列获取任务。
- When SQLAgentOperatorRole users do not specify these arguments, the job history for all local jobs is deleted within the time specified by oldest_date. 如果SQLAgentOperatorRole用户未指定这些参数,则所有本地作业的历史记录都会在oldest_date指定的时间内删除。
- The employer has to advertise to at least 2 job agencies appointed by the government (CWI and EURES ) and 2 other news papers, as well as the internet job agency and a local job agency. 本人最近在查看有关的可能性,一看立马昏厥,这根本就几乎不可能嘛。这登广告是在网站上登,还是一定要登在报纸上啊?请有经验的帮忙细说一下。非常感谢!!!
- Job entry subsystem communication table 作业输入子系统通信表
- remote job entry terminal system 远程作业输入终端系统
- This topic lists the steps required to create a Microsoft SQL Server Agent operator for local jobs or for master server jobs by using stored procedures. 本主题列出了通过使用存储过程,为本地作业或主服务器作业创建Microsoft SQL Server代理操作员所需的步骤。
- on-Line Remote Job Entry Terminal System 联机遥控工作输入终端系统
- Trade with China created local jobs and gave Australians access to lower priced goods, reducing inflation and putting downward pressure on interest rates, the report found. 报告说,和中国的贸易,创造了本地的工作,给澳洲人带来了低价的商品,降低了通货膨胀,降低了利息的压力。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- multiple session remote job entry 多重会话远程作业输入
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。