- variations of local gravity field 局部重力场变化
- An Approach to the Precision of Computing the GPS Levelling Heights Using Gravity Field and Local Gravity Data 利用重力场模型和局部重力资料计算GPS水准高的精度探讨
- Evaluation of EGM96,WDM94 and GPM98CR Geo-potential Models for Representing the Local Gravity Field of Shenzhen, China EGM96,WDM94和GPM98CR高阶地球重力场模型表示深圳局部重力场的比较与评价
- local gravity field 局部重力场
- Modern physics should be based on a neo-Galilean space-time theory in which local dominant gravity field is the relatively privileged reference frame and the medium for the propagation of light waves. 现代物理学应该建立在以局部优势引力场为相对优越参照系的新伽利略时空观的基础上。
- The gravity field contains the superimposition effect of heterogeneous bodies with different densities. 摘要重力场包含了各种密度不均匀体的叠加效应。
- Based on the variation on the gravity field and the seismicity of that area,the event was predicted. 依据临猗地震前重力场的变化,结合该地区的地震活动性,对这次地震作出了预报。
- Variations of gravity field in this area may be caused by crustal deformation, quality transition in deep crust and fault creep. 重力变化可能是由该区地壳形变、地壳深部质量迁移和断层蠕动共同作用引起的。
- The spherical harmonic coefficients of the gravity field can be obtained from gravity gradients through regularization scheme. 重力场球谐函数系数可以通过正则化方法由重力梯度算出。
- Airborne gravimetry has been rapid development during the past decades and becomes one of the very active topics of the research in the gravity field. 摘要近十几年来,航空重力测量技术的研究和应用日趋活跃,业已成为地球重力场研究中最为热门的领域之一。
- Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them. 对地球引力的研究表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。
- Base on the global reference system and according to these geodetic results the gravity field in the Mt.Everest area is studied. 根据这些大地测量成果以全球参照系为基准,对该地区的重力场进行了研究。
- The paper interprets the Chongqing-Heishui gravity profile traversing the Dazu high gravity gravity field and the Longmen Mountains fold belt. 文章对跨越大足重力高和龙门山褶皱带的重庆-黑水重力剖面作了解释。
- Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weght is placed on them. 对地球的地心引力领域的研究表明,当异常重量的东西放在地球上,那么地壳和地幔就会移动。
- Before the earthquake, the results show that the gravity field decreased nearby the epicenter and a high gravity gradient belt occured along the active fault. 结果表明,震前震中附近出现了重力减小的现象,沿活动断裂有重力高梯度带产生;
- An orbiter could fully map the moon's gravity field and surface topography, revealing its internal distribution of mass, including any subsurface liquid layer. 轨道艇可以完整测绘卫星的重力场及表面状况,探测内部质量分布,包括是否有地下液态层等。
- One of the most popular approaches to extract the gravity field information from the much noisy measurement that observed by airborne gravimeter is lowpass filtering. 从含有大量噪声的航空重力仪测量值中提取重力场信息,最常用的方法是使用低通滤波器。
- The one-tonne satellite carries a highly sensitive gradiometer that will allow scientists to plot tiny variations in the Earth's gravity field in three dimensions. 这颗1吨重的卫星携带了一个高敏感度的(重力)梯度仪,它使科学家们得以绘制地球重力场在三维空间的微小变化。
- The total trends of regional gravity field change show a positive gravity change between Qicun and Tancheng depressed area, and a negative change in Mengyin uplifted area. 区域重力场总的趋势变化为齐村至郯城坳陷区-带重力正值变化,蒙阴隆起区-带重力负值变化。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。