- Every local economic technology and natural conditions. 当地的各项经济技术及自然条件。
- The study will examine the factors which constrain local economic growth. 这项研究将考查抑制当地经济发展的因素。
- It is a dream of the Guizhou people and also the goa of the local economic development. 这是贵州各族人民的企盼,更是贵州发展的希望所在。
- Local economic development is slowed down by the plateau climate and geographic conditions. 高原气候和地理环境极大地制约着经济的发展。
- The page will be mainly devoted to local economic news and soft news from the tourism and culture sectors. 这个版面将主要报道当地经济类新闻和来自旅游和文化方面的软新闻。
- And in many cities, the popularization of private cars is viewed as an important sign of local economic growth. 在许多城市,推动私人小汽车的普及被视为促进地方经济增长的重要措施。
- As a sort of Special Economic Zone, Export Processing Zone (EPZ) is of great benefit to promote the foreign opening level, explore the new way of foreign opening, administrate export processing industry and develop local economics and so on. 出口加工区作为经济特区的一种,对于提升所在地的对外开放水平、探索对外开放的新路子、规范出口加工工业以及带动当地经济发展等方面大有裨益。
- Bendavid-Val, A. Chap. 7 in Regional and Local Economic Analysis for Practitioners. 《针对职业者的区域性与地区性经济分析》第七章。
- Baler, P.(1995), Land and Property in Local Economic Development, Local Government Studies, ????21(3), pp.360-375. 林水波。1997反思顾客导向的行政革新,公务人员月刊,第十期,页34-39。与陈志玮。1999顾客导向的政府再造策略,政治科学论丛,第十期,页319-354。
- Instead, Wenzhou folk go, invigorated the local market, and promote local economic development. 相反,温州人去了,盘活了当地市场,促进了当地经济的发展。
- Agriculture and livestock breeding, the basic sectors of Tibet's economy, have always been the priorities of the local economic work. 众所周知,农牧业是西藏国民经济的基础产业,因此发展农牧业必然成为经济工作的重中之重。
- Article 118. The organs of self-government of the national autonomous areas independently arrange for and administer local economic development under the guidance of state plans. 第一百一十八条 民族自治地方的自治机关在国家计划的指导下,自主地安排和管理地方性的经济建设事业。
- Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to anther on a large scale, helping to develop local economic with these new imports. 约瑟夫。班克斯是第一位大规摸把植物从一个大陆移到另一个大陆的人,用这些进口的东西来帮助发展当地的经济。
- We offer advice and information on the local economic and regulatory environment, and act as intermediary for contact with French administration. 我们提供建议和当地经济和法律环境的资讯,并在投资者和法国行政部门间牵线搭桥。
- As a special financial community, city commercial band is playing a more and more important role in effect on local economic development. 摘要城市商业银行作为特殊的金融群体,在地方经济发展中的地位越来越重要。
- Service-oriented local higher education is a higher education that adapts to local economic development and satisfies people. 服务型地方高等教育是与地方经济发展相适应的、人民满意的高等教育。
- The government public investment item is very important to improve the economical development, especially to impel the local economical development. 摘要政府公共投资项目是改善经济发展条件,推动地方经济发展的重要项目。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。