- Despite fine goals from Danny Welbeck and Fabio, United were held to a draw in a feisty local derby with Liverpool on Thursday evening. 虽然有丹尼.;威尔贝克和法比奥的精彩进球,但曼联还不得不接受周四晚上的本地德比战被利物浦战平的结局。
- The local derby phenomenon is something he has encountered for the first time since moving to England, although games such as Marseille v PSG did provide big rivalries and big atmospheres. 虽然像马赛对巴黎圣日尔曼的比赛的对抗性很强,比赛气氛很浓,但同城德比是他来到英格兰后,第一次遇到这种比赛氛围。
- Many Newcastle fans feel that a match against a team 34 miles away does not qualify as a local derby, and believe that Newcastle's only derby is the Tyne-Wear derby with Sunderland. 球迷们觉得和相聚三十四英里之外的球队比赛完全算不上什么当地的德比战,并认为纽卡斯尔唯一的德比战就是与桑德兰的泰恩河畔德比。
- Despite his small frame, he managed an impressive 35 goals in 30 matches and in 2004 he made his official debut for the senior squad of the Catalan team, in a local derby against Espanyol Barcelona. 尽管他的小范围内,他令人印象深刻的35粒进球在30场比赛,并在2004年他正式亮相的高级队的加泰罗尼亚队,在当地的德比战西班牙人巴塞罗那。
- a local derby between the two North London sides 两个北伦敦队之间的地方性比赛
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。
- He's a paint sprayer in the local factory. 他在当地工厂当喷漆工。
- The local shop has some radios going cheap. 本地商店有些廉价的收音机。
- The local economy is now in a mess. 当地的经济现在很混乱。
- That's not a local accent. Where do you hail from? 那不是本地口音,你是什么地方人?
- Some of the local news come on very quick. 有些本地新闻很快就上电视。
- There's a good play on at the local theatre. 本地剧院正在上演一出好剧。
- I am not really familiar with the local laws. 实际上我对当地的法律并不熟。
- He ran off an article for the local newspaper. 他为当地报纸匆匆写了篇文章。
- I'm writing up the film for the local paper. 我现在为本地报纸写影评。
- The tour is arranged by our local travel agent. 这个旅游团是由我们的本地旅游代理商组织安排的。