- Fast port scanner VB source code, can quickly scan your computer or local area network security risks exist in all the ports. VB快速端口扫描器的源代码,能快速扫描计算机或局域网中所有存在安全隐患的端口。
- ARP virus continue to affect the local area network,leading to the computer network instability,seriously affecting the majority of users of network security and normal use. ARP病毒不断地影响着局域网,导致计算机网络极不稳定,严重地影响到广大用户的网络安全和正常使用。
- local area network security 局域网安全
- Depending on each oilier, the two ensure the security of Local Area Network effectively. 两者相辅相成,互为补充,能够有效地保证内部网的安全。
- The packet is now launched onto your Local Area Network or LAN. 现在这个信息包被投放到你的局域网里。
- How is the local area network built excuse me with safeguard? 请问局域网如何建设与维护?
- They built up a local area network using switchboards. 他们用分享器建立了区域网。
- Finally, from a functional choice, preferred to have the firewall and DMZ demilitarized zone management products, to ensure the security of local area network. 最后,从功能上选择,可优选具备防火墙和DMZ非军事区管理的产品,以保证局域网的安全。
- A hub is a device that connects several nodes of a local area network. 网络集线器连接一个局域网内的多个节点的设备。
- A computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network. 比局域网的跨域大的计算机网络。
- This link may be a high-speed data communication circuit,a local area network(LAN),a telephone live or a radio channel. 这种连接的链路可以是高速数据通信电路、局域网(LAN)、电话线路或无线信道。
- When you've created the spreadsheet, save it on your hard disk or a shared location on your local area network (LAN). 创建电子表格后,请将其保存到硬盘或局域网(LAN)的共享位置。
- Defines the type of connection (dial-up, local area network or manual) that you use to access your e-mail servers. 定义您用于访问电子邮件服务器的连接类型(拨号、局域网或手动)。
- The path can be to a folder on your local computer or to any folder available on your local area network. 路径可以指向本地计算机上的文件夹,还可以指向局域网上可用的任何文件夹。
- The proxy is set by the system using configuration files and the Internet Explorer Local Area Network settings. 该代理由系统使用配置文件和Internet Explorer的局域网设置进行设置。
- The Service Delivery Location (SDL) and Client Service Location (CSL) reside on the same local area network (LAN). 服务传递位置(SDL)和客户端服务位置(CSL)驻留在同一个局域网(LAN)上。
- Talking About the Strategy and Techniques of Guarding Against Local Area Network Virus. 论局域网络病毒防范策略与技术。
- On the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings property sheet, clear the Automatically detect settings check box. 在“局域网(LAN)设置”属性表上,清除“自动检测设置”复选框。
- You can specify different thresholds for dial-up and Local Area Network (LAN) connections. 您可以为拨号连接和局域网(LAN)连接指定不同的阈值。
- The Wi-Fi technology is rapidly gaining acceptance as an alternative to a wired local area network. 作为有线局域网的替代者,无线局域网技术正迅速被人们所认可。