- lobus glandulae thyroideae 甲状腺叶
- lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae 甲状腺锥体叶
- Levator glandulae thyroideae muscle 甲状腺提肌
- capsula fibrosa glandulae thyroideae 甲状腺纤维囊
- levator glandulae thyroideae 甲状腺提肌
- lobuli glandulae thyroideae 甲状腺小叶
- capsula glandulae thyroideae 甲状腺纤维囊, 甲状腺囊
- stroma glandulae thyroideae 甲状腺间质
- isthmus glandulae thyroideae 甲状腺峡
- glandulae thyroideae siccae [医] 干甲状腺
- glandula thyroidea 甲状腺
- glandula thyroidea accessoria 副甲状腺
- Radical resection rate is still low nowadays.The lobus quadratus resection is helpful to select the operation. 目前根治性切除率仍较低,肝方叶切除对最后选定手术方式有一定帮助。
- Furthermore, lesions of 31 cases involved in lobus frontalis, gyrus precentralis and postcentralis. 其中有3例患者累及额叶及中央前、后回皮层区;
- The NO contents of frontal and vertex lobus were obvously higher than those of other parts. 脑不同部位NO含量以顶叶、额叶升高明显。
- MRI showed the local infarction in thalami, cerebellum, midbrain, lobus occipitals, pons, temporal inner surface and splenium of corpus callosum. 磁共振(MRI)表现梗死灶在丘脑、小脑、中脑、枕叶、脑桥、颞叶内侧面及胼膝体压部;
- MRI showed the main pathological features of TOBS was infarction in thalami , midbmin, cerebellurn, occipital and temporal lobus. 影像学MRI特征:丘脑、中脑、小脑、枕叶、颞叶合并梗死病灶为主。
- The 13 foci (54.2%) were located in the lobus superior of pulom dexter, 5 foci (20.8%) in lobus inferior. The 6 foci were located (25.0%) in the lobus superior of pulmo sinister. 24个病灶中右肺上叶13个(54.;2%25);下叶5个(20
- Abstract:Objective To explore the development regularity of nitire oxide synthase(NOS) positive neurons in the lobus frontalis of the cerebrum of human fetus. 摘要摘 要:目的:探讨人胎大脑额叶一氧化氮合酶(NOS)阳性神经元发育的规律。
- Objective To explore the cytological feature and clinical value of cytological diagnosis of glandula thyreoidea puncture. 摘要目的:探讨甲状腺穿刺细胞学诊断的细胞特征及临床意义。