- A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property. 按揭贷款是一种用不动产做抵押的贷款。
- loan secured by real estate 以不动产抵押的贷款
- Mortgage A loan, secured by the collateral of some specified real estate property, in which the borrower is obligated to make a predetermined set of payments to repay the loan. 房地产抵押以特定房地产为抵押的贷款,借方有责任偿还预定的一系列还款。
- Another is by moving their mortgage into a loan secured by the Federal Housing Administration. 另一种是移动他们的抵押品,变成一种由联邦房屋署保证的贷款。
- By the insurance companies to guarantee the timely return of loans secured property developers, real estate credit funds in order to ensure security. 由保险公司以保证人身份担保房地产开发商如期归还贷款,从而确保房地产信贷资金的安全。
- At present, bad debts account about 25 percent in China's commercial banks and after the ransack by real estate bubbles, the proportion will be likely to rise to 40 percent. 目前,中国商业银行系统的坏帐率是25%25,地产泡沫破灭后,可能达到40%25。
- Personal Loan Secured by CDs. 个人存单。
- In 2001,the area of land purchased by real estate enterprises reached 14.718 million square meters,an increase of 1.7-fold. 房地产企业在2001全年,购置土地面积1471.;8万平方米,比上年增长1
- Requirements for loans collateralized by real estate, which mercilessly and will not need housing loans are turned away by the buyers. 要求用房产作贷款的抵押,这就无情地将尚无住房而又急需贷款买房的人挡在了门外。
- Every loan was secured by bonds or mortgages. 每项贷款都以债券或抵押作保。
- In this environment, the "new" second-hand housing transactions in a shorter cycle, predictable income obvious, and favored by real estate investment clients. 在这样的大环境下,“新”二手房以其交易周期较短、可预见收益明显,而受到房地产投资客户的青睐。
- loan secured by account receivable 应收款作担保的借款
- The paper explores the different types of disputes caused by real estate management and offers some solutions in term of the law, the community construction, est. 摘要本文主要分析了我国住宅小区物业管理纠纷的类型及产生的各种原因,并针对解决这些纠纷从法律和社区建设等不同的角度提出一些解决的对策。
- loan secured by stocks and bonds [经] 有价证券担保借款
- a loan secured by equity value in the borrower's home. 由借贷人家庭资产净值做保证的贷款。
- Because a loan is secured by the piece in hock, risk is finite. 由于贷款直接以物作抵押,风险几乎为零。
- The 2005 MBS International Conference was held jointly by Real Estate Law Research Center and Financial Law Research Center, which are both under the Law School of Peking University. 2005年7月,由北京大学法学院房地产法研究中心和金融法研究中心联合主办的“资产证券化国际研讨会”在京隆重召开。
- Zhejiang group created by real estate speculators Kaiyuan period of Kaiyuan period Mall in Songjiang foundation has started, it is a basis Songjiang University City Metro and building "village Mau. 由浙江房地产大鳄开元集团打造的开元商城也已在松江奠基开工,这是一个依托松江新城和大学城而建的“乡村茂”。
- Because the exploitation of real estate needs large capital and long turnover period, the advance booking is gradually taken as an effective method for raising funds by real estate exploiter. 由于房地产开发需要的资金大,且周转时间长,使得商品房预售成为房地产开发商有效筹措资金的方法。
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。