- A general method,which can asccrtain the load of the electrical servo system and verify load matching,is studied in this paper. 文中介绍了如何合理地确定电动伺服系统负载的大小和判断负载是否匹配的一般方法。
- Considering the load characteristics of the solid-state induction heating power supply, the resonant inverter load matching schemes are compared and analyzed in this paper. 本文以固态感应加热电源的负载特性分析为基础,对谐振型逆变器负载匹配方案进行了分析和比较。
- Load matching (aerodynamic and maneuver loads) is investigated for turbojets and turbofans. 从多参数载荷谱的角度对发动机气动载荷与机动载荷的匹配进行了研究 ,针对不同构件给出了不同的多参数载荷谱的处理办法。
- The dynamic load matching method of solid-state high-frequency induction heating devices was analyzed,the dynamic matching principle and dynamic matching of the control circuit were described. 详细分析了固态高频感应加热装置的动态负载匹配方案;阐述了动态匹配的原理;描述了动态匹配的控制电路。
- Research and Design of Road Transportation Load Matching System 公路货运配载系统的研究与设计
- Research of Truck Load Matching Information Management System 运输管理信息系统中车辆配载研究
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- She will not shove the heavy load onto others. 她不愿意把重担推给别人。
- Research on Load Matching of Inverter of High Frequency Ozone Generator 高频臭氧发生器逆变电源与负载匹配的研究
- The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。
- Analysis on the Load Matching Way of the HF Inducdion Heating Equipment 高频感应加热装置的负载匹配方法
- Method of Load Matching Control of Hydraulic Excavator's Energy Saving 挖掘机载荷自适应节能控制策略
- Dan had a quarter but he went broke matching pennies with Fred. 丹原来有2角5分钱,但和弗雷德赌分币时,全部输光了。
- I've never heard such a load of garbage! 这麽胡说八道我还从来没听说过。
- Her grief was a heavy load to bear. 她心情沉重,悲不自胜。
- The ordinal number matching the number one trillion in a series. 第一万亿,第一兆可数数列中与一万亿相对应的序数
- The nurse bears a load of anxiety. 那个护士焦虑不已。
- A load or burden that is too full or heavy. 超载过量或过重的载荷或负担
- The Load and Load Matching of Servo System for Thrust Vector Control 推力矢量控制伺服系统的负载及负载匹配
- Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat! 你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙!