- live in open sin 过明目张胆的罪恶生活
- All the animals live in open lands, but their habitats can range from arid desert to grassy plains favored by moderate rainfall. 虽然所有的野生马都分布在空旷土地上,但是这些地区从乾燥的沙漠,到有温和雨水滋润的青青草原都有。
- These small pelagic fishes live in open waters and usually consume a variable mix of phytoplankton and both herbivorous and carnivorous zooplankton. 这些小型远洋鱼类生活于开放的水域,食物包括各种浮游植物、草食和肉食性的浮游动物。
- Fire ants live in large colonies and build mounds generally in open areas such as pastures, lawns and cultivated fields. 所以每次下雨过后一半天,我就在前后院走走,看到有一坨坨的新土,就知道那里是蚂蚁窝了。
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- The people would rise in open rebellion if oppressed by a monarchy. 如果遭到君主制的压迫,人民就会起来反抗。
- He had to live in the shadow of his famous father. 他不得不在他那有名望的父亲的庇护下生活。
- I can live in clover when I get that position. 我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- The herrings usually live in large shoals. 青鱼通常生活在大的浅水区。
- Sloths live in trees and move very slowly. 树獭生活在树上而且行动缓慢。
- The people living underneath the tyranny rose in open revolt. 生活在暴政下的人民公开反叛了。
- Most insect do not live in polar region. 大多数的昆虫不在极地地区生存。
- About 13 in. (32 cm) long, the cockatiel lives in open areas and eats grass seeds. 体长约32公分,澳洲鹦鹉生活在开阔地区,食草籽。
- A hermit used to live in the cave. 一位隐士曾经住在那个山洞里。
- I had to use force in opening the door. 我不得不用力开那一扇门。
- He passed his life in an inconsiderable village. 他在一个小小村落中度过他的一生。
- Would you rather live in a town, or in the country? 你愿意住在城市还是乡下?
- The white-tailed deer lives in open woodlands (young and cutover forests) and on the fringes of urban areas and farmlands, and eats leaves, twigs, fruits, nuts, lichen, and fungi. 白尾鹿栖于开阔的林地、砍伐后的森林和城市边缘小林地,也常见于果园和耕地。食物包括叶、细枝、果实和坚果,以及地衣和其他真菌。