- Life forms no longer belongs to science fiction. 克隆生命不再是科幻小说里的东西了。
- The Fibonacci spiral is fundametal to all life forms. 斐波纳契数列螺旋是所有生命形式的基础。
- Fire provides life force to all life forms upon earth. 火给地球上所有生命形态提供生命力量。
- Has neither phoned nor written us; life forms that are neither plants nor animals. 既没打电话也没写信给我们; 既非植物也非动物的生命形态
- Obviously, the life form is the how rarity and precious. 可见,生命形式是多么的罕见与珍贵。
- It produced the wide spectrum of life forms found on the earth today. 它奠定地球上现今存在的纷繁复杂的生命形式。
- A minute life form; a microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease. Not in technical use. 微生物; 细菌一种极小的生命形式,一种微生物,尤指引起疾病的细菌,不用于技术用语
- An escape pod was jettisoned during the fighting,but no life forms were aboard. 逃生舱在战斗中被丢弃船外上面没有生命迹象
- The idea of cloning life forms no longer belongs to science fiction. 克隆生命不再是科幻小说里的东西了。
- Thus subjection all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. 从而,使所有其他的生命形态服从于他们的奇特的观念和幻想。
- Lichen is the dominant life form that covers the surfaces of stones and trees. 青苔是生长在石头和树木表面的主要生物。
- The dominate Life Form types of Angiospermae were Geophytes and Therophytes. 属的区系成分中,温带成分属最多,占总数的53%25;
- Biological humanity would no longer be the smartest life form on the block. 生物人类将不再垄断最聪明的生命形式。
- Shencongwen criticized the townie form from the life form in Xiangxi. 沈从文于湘西山水的生命形态中审视着城市人的生存状态。
- A degenerate life form. 一种退化了的生命形式
- Dennis' story has made many people speculate about the possibility of the crashed vehicle containing alien life forms. 丹尼斯的故事使许多人开始怀疑这个坠落物中有外星生命体的可能性。
- This ocean may be teeming with life forms, say scientists, and studying Vostok may teach them how to study Europa. 科学家说欧罗巴的海洋可能富含生命,研究沃斯托克可以帮助研究欧罗巴。
- Besides digging our own graves,mankind would not allow other life forms to thrive also. 人类除了一直在自掘墓坑之外,似乎也不让其他生灵有好日子过。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- Besides digging our own graves, mankind would not allow other life forms to thrive also. 人类除了一直在自掘墓坑之外,似乎也不让其他生灵有好日子过。