- We did use a live animal to promote the Cougar. 我们倒的确使用了一头活的动物来推销美洲豹车。
- We did use a live animal to promote the Cougar . 我们倒的确使用了一头活的动物来推销美洲豹车。
- You won' t see live animals in a museum. 在博物馆你是看不到活动物的。
- Living Creatures All live animals. 包括所有生物动物。
- You won't see live animals in a museum. 在博物馆你是看不到活动物的。
- One is the fact that a somatic tissue from an adult has been used to produce a live animal. 其一是一个成年动物的体组织被用来制造出另一个活生生的动物。
- Was there a live animal that was in that coat? You can't make it out from this picture. 那是不是穿着件外套的活的动物?从这张照片上你无法区分出来的。
- In fact, it is so safe it has limitations: it can't be used in animal models, for example, because it cannot infect a live animal. 但是,尽管是这样安全,但是仍然有局限性:因为它不能感染任何活的动物,因此也就不能用来进行动物实验。
- Measurement of protein in life animal, Haiying Wang, Abstracts of IAAC 1990 Beijing. 细胞电融合实际技术的探讨,王海婴等,生命科学前沿研究论文集,1996年11月207-209
- One dish, prized among some in Guangdong, is monkey brains scooped from a live animal, which has regularly upset animal rights campaigners in the West. 有一道在广东颇受好评的菜,就是用勺子挖活的猴的脑吃,使西方动物权益保护组织的十分不满。
- By the progress of the technique in neurophysiology, we can collect sample in live animal and monitor the change of these neurotransmitter. 随着神经生理学研究方法的改进,目前已经可以使用脑内微透析技术等方法进行活体动物神经递质的采样,达到动态检测运动中脑内神经递质变化的目的。
- Ten marine life animal babies and their mothers happily cavort in the water to words that can be sung to the classic tune of " Down in the Meadow. 本书作者用简单的文字及生动的油画插画介绍了海洋中的一些生物,从海牛到水母,同时这也是一首儿歌喔,书末还有附上歌词跟音谱喔!
- "In addition to that we had a ranger bring live animals native to the landfill. 她还介绍说:"来参加孩子们的派对的还有一位护林员。 他把许多野生的动物带到了垃圾
- Densities of over 60 hoofed animals for every square kilometre, adding up to a live animal biomass of 15,000 kilograms. 每平方千米有蹄类动物的数量超过60只,加起来的活动物生物量(活体被掠食者的总重量)可达15000千克。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- Antivivisectionists are opposed to research which involves experimenting on live animals. 反活体解剖者反对在活动物身上做实验性的研究。
- This section administers the import and export of live animals and genetic material and some animal products and by-products. 该部门负责管理进出口动物活体、基因材料、某些动物产品和副产品。
- Whisper something about live animals, and hidden cages come out from behind the counters. 你只须轻声表示你想要活的动物,柜台后面就能拿出装有活物的笼子。
- A zoo is a place where live animals are kept in captivity for the public to see. 动物园是圈养动物以供公众观看的场所。
- Among all of the official print and biohazard warnings, were the words "Live Animals: Leeches. 在所有正式印刷字体和生物危害警告中间写着“活体动物:蚂蟥。”