- It is little wonder (that) she was so upset. 她如此心烦意乱,并不奇怪。
- It is little wonder that junior is in a funk. 年少者畏头畏尾、缩手缩脚,这很难令人感到惊愕。
- Little wonder, then, that Mr. Simpson was eventually acquitted. 不出所料,辛普森先生最后获释。
- Most of the audience left before the performance ended, and little wonder. 大多数观众在演出结束前就走了,这也难怪。
- Most of the audience left before the performance ended,and little wonder. 大多数观众在演出结束前就走了,这也难怪。
- Little wonder after his wonder goal against Chelsea's arch rivals, Spurs. 他在对阵切尔西宿敌热刺取得令人惊叹的入球后,他的反应亦毫不意外。
- It's little wonder, really, that Malfoy is hiding out among Muggles these days. 其实眼下这样儿,就算Malfoy真的藏身于麻瓜世界中也不足为奇。
- Little wonder that Greenlanders had no votive relationship with their gods. 格陵兰人并不向他们的神祈祷,这点让人有点奇怪。
- Little wonder: High schools teach some useful social and reasoning skills,and give graduates an economic leg up. 有一点是很少有人怀疑的,那就是高中阶段教授一些有用的社交和推理技能,并使毕业生对经济学有更多的了解。
- There's little wonder why young people often find it difficult to find an appropriate role model. 年轻人发现很难找到合适的榜样,这并不奇怪。
- It is little wonder then, in this confusion, we look back to the old days with nostalgia. 因此,我们在这种混乱时代眷恋以往是不足为奇的。
- Little wonder: High schools teach some useful social and reasoning skills, and give graduates an economic leg up. 有一点是很少有人怀疑的,那就是高中阶段教授一些有用的社交和推理技能,并使毕业生对经济学有更多的了解。
- Little wonder, then, that dissidents snort at the prospects for a free and fair choice in the junta's two-step ballot. 毫不奇怪,持不同政见者对军政府的两步投票能够保持自由公正不抱希望。
- It is little wonder, therefore, that nearly a dozen companies are developing FSO technology. 也难怪,已经有10几家公司在发展无线光通讯的技术了。
- So it is little wonder that the Lord in verse 6 warned disciples against the leaven of the leaders of the Jews. 所以,主在第6节里警告门徒防备犹太领袖的酵。这一点都不奇怪。
- It's little wonder that from this vibrant and variegated culture, a new American literature has sprung. 一种崭新的美国文学必然会从这一充满活力的多元文化中孕育而生。
- Jerky video and hour glass icons ------ little wonder why some call it the World Wide Wait. 不稳定的图像和长时间出现的沙漏图标--难怪有人称它为“全球等待网”。
- Little wonder that the Polish government under Donald Turk has said Poland should swap the zloty for the euro in the next few years. 所以人们对于波兰政府的领导人图斯克要在未来几年内放弃兹罗提(译者注:波兰的货币单位),加入欧元的想法毫不奇怪。
- Little wonder at the persistence of the gross disparities in health and the social inequalities that seem so central to the spread of disease. 很少有人知道,接连不断的医疗资源的不平等,社会不公是造成疾病肆虐的罪魁祸首。
- In the midfield position, he Appears to be little wonder, but could see that he is still with the team and there are certain problems. 在中场的位置上,他显得游刃有余,但是看得出,他与队友的配合还是存在着一定的问题。